Airbus A321 - LATAM Airlines
Fly in LATAM's A321 Airbus: innovative, efficient and comfortable. Discover its history, technology and onboard entertainment for a unique experience.
SeatGuru Seat Map LATAM
The LATAM Airbus A321-200 presented here is configured with 174 standard seats. The cabin is sectioned into Premium Economy and Economy Class. Premium Economy is located in the first three rows and features 12 standard style seating where the middle seat is blocked to allow additional personal space.
LATAM Airlines Airbus A321 aircraft seat map LATAM Airlines
LATAM Airlines offers several seat maps for the Airbus A321, with capacities ranging from 214 to 224 passengers. Configurations include all-Economy layouts and options with up to 20 Premium Economy seats, providing a pitch of 32" (81 cm) and width of 18" (46 cm).
- 评论数: 304
Airbus A321 - LATAM Airlines
Voe no Airbus A321 da LATAM: inovador, eficiente e confortável. Descubra sua história, tecnologia e entretenimento a bordo para uma experiência única.
空中客车A321 - 百度百科
空客A321是 欧洲空中客车工业公司 研制的双发中短程 客机, 空中客车 A320加长型。 是 A320 系列飞机中最大的飞机成员。 与A320相比,增加24%的座位和40%的空间,机翼面积略微扩大,在机翼前后各增加两个应急出口,起落架被加固,使用高推力 CFM56 和 V2500 发动机。 如果是高密度客舱布局,可容纳多达220名乘客。 空中客车A321于1989年11月24日启动建造计划,1993年3月11日装载V2530发动机首飞,同年5月装载CFM56发动机飞行。 1994年3月18日,空 …
SeatGuru Seat Map LATAM
For your next LATAM flight, use this seating chart to get the most comfortable seats, legroom, and recline on .
PT-MXA LATAM Airlines Brasil Airbus A321-231
2007年8月8日 · Airbus A321-231 with registration PT-MXA airframe details and operator history including first flight and delivery dates, seat configurations, engines, fleet numbers and names Radar Share Your Data
LATAM Fleet Airbus A321-200 Details and Pictures
2019年12月21日 · On current fleet, LATAM operates 49 narrow-body aircraft Airbus A321-200. The LATAM Airllines Airbus A321 aircraft is operated on short-haul routes. The A321 can accommodate 185 passengers in the traditional configuration, with two classes, or 220 in a configuration with economy class only.
LATAM Airlines Airbus A321 Mapas de assentos LATAM Airlines
A LATAM Airlines oferece vários mapas de assentos para o Airbus A321, com capacidades que variam de 214 a 224 passageiros. As configurações incluem layouts totalmente econômicos e opções com até 20 assentos Premium Economy, com uma distância de …
- 评论数: 304
Airbus A321 - LATAM Airlines
Vuela en el Airbus A321 de LATAM: innovador, eficiente y cómodo. Descubre su historia, tecnología y entretenimiento a bordo para una experiencia única.