Transportation Agency for Monterey County
The Transportation Agency for Monterey County (TAMC) serves as Monterey County’s regional transportation planning agency, and is a state designated agency responsible for planning and financial programming of transportation projects.
Rail - Transportation Agency for Monterey County
The Transportation Agency is planning two rail services for Monterey County: extension of rail service to Monterey County and passenger service to & from the Monterey Peninsula. TAMC’s two rail projects complement one another and both will result in removing auto trips from highways 1, 101 and 156. California Statewide Rail Map
Board of Directors - Transportation Agency for Monterey County
The Transportation Agency for Monterey County (TAMC) is a twenty-three member agency which consists of local officials from each of its twelve incorporated cities and five county supervisorial districts, and ex-officio members from seven public agencies.
Programs - Transportation Agency for Monterey County
About TAMC. Staff; Policies and Regulations; Racial Equity Program; Transparency; Bids and Proposals; Contact TAMC; Employment
About Us - Transportation Agency for Monterey County
The Transportation Agency for Monterey County (TAMC) serves as Monterey County’s regional transportation planning agency, and is a state designated agency responsible for planning and financial programming of transportation projects.
Monterey Branch Line - Transportation Agency for Monterey County
In advance of securing funding for the light rail project, TAMC is coordinating with Monterey-Salinas Transit (MST) to explore using the corridor for rapid bus service to build ridership and provide an alternative to Highway 1.
Funding and Planning - Transportation Agency for Monterey County
2015年12月23日 · Development Impact Fees. The Transportation Agency for Monterey County established the Regional Development Impact Fee program in Monterey County to help streamline the process for analyzing and mitigating transportation…
TAMC CONE ZONE REPORT - Transportation Agency for Monterey …
The Cone Zone Report is published weekly by the Transportation Agency for Monterey County. It can be found on the agency’s website at: https://www.tamcmonterey.org/tamc-cone-zone-report. Caltrans and CHP remind motorists to drive safely and to share the road.
Measure X - Transportation Agency for Monterey County
Background. The Transportation Agency for Monterey County’s mission is to proactively fund and plan a transportation system that enhances mobility, safety, access, environmental quality and economic activities by investing in regional transportation projects for Monterey County residents, businesses and visitors.
“State Awards $7.9 Million for John Street/Williams Road Safe …
2024年12月11日 · MONTEREY COUNTY – The Transportation Agency for Monterey County (TAMC) announced that the California Transportation Commission adopted the 2025 Active Transportation Program (ATP) – Statewide and Small Urban and Rural components, last week which included $7.9 million for the City of Salinas’ “John Street/Williams Road Safe Routes to ...