Tamluk - Wikipedia
Tamluk (/ ˈtæmlʊk /) is a town and a municipality in the Indian state of West Bengal. It is the headquarters of the Purba Medinipur district.
塔姆卢克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
塔姆卢克 (Tamluk),是 印度 西孟加拉邦 Medinipur县的一个城镇。 总人口45826(2001年)。
Tamluk | History, Culture & Geography | Britannica
Tamluk, town, southern West Bengal state, northeastern India. It lies just south of the Rupnarayan River. Archaeological excavations have revealed a sequence of occupation going back to a period in which stone axes and crude pottery were in use, …
耽摩栗底国 - 百度百科
耽摩栗底国即多摩梨帝国,古国名,唐时译作耽摩栗底或耽摩立底。 故地在今印度西孟加拉邦米德纳普尔(Midnapore)的塔姆卢(Tamluk)附近,为印度东部重要港口所在。
多摩梨帝国 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
多摩梨帝国 (孟加拉語: তাম্রলিপ্ত)是 孟加拉湾 北部海岸的一个古城和古国,位于今天的 印度 西孟加拉邦 塔姆卢克。 地处 恒河 河口,是古代印度东部的重要海港。 东晋 义熙 五年(409年), 法显 在此地搭乘商船,前往 狮子国 (今 斯里兰卡)。 唐 时又译作 耽摩立底 或 耽摩栗底, 唐 咸亨 四年(673年), 义净 到达此地,并在此停留一年,学习 梵语。 辞海编纂委员会. 《辞海》(1999年版) (M) 使用 |format= 需要含有 |url= (帮助) 1. 上海: 上海辞书出版社. …
Tamaluk - Holy Dham
Tamluk (Bengali: তমলুক) is the district headquarters of PurbaMedinipur district of West Bengal, India. Present day Tamluk is the site of the ancient city variously known as Tamralipta or Tamralipti. The present town is located on the banks of …
2025年印度Tamluk的旅游景点、旅游指南、行程 - Tripadvisor
既迷人又具现代感,名不虚传。 Tamluk 的美食、饮品和娱乐:Tripadvisor 提供有关 Tamluk 的住宿、酒店、民宿、餐厅、美食、旅行、景点、购物等的评论,是您规划行程时的最佳伴侣。
Tamluk, Midnapore | History, Sightseeing, Images - Holidify
Tamluk city, the headquarter of the Purba Medinipur district is situated on the bank of the Rupnarayan River in the east. It is a historical city, surrounded by the Bay of Bengal in South and Subarnarekha River in the West.
Legacy of Midnapore - Tamluk (Tamralipta)
Tamluk is the district headquarters of Purba Medinipur district of West Bengal, India. Though there is some controversy, scholars have generally agreed that present day Tamluk is the site of the ancient city variously known as Tamralipta or Tamralipti.
Tamluk Map - East Midnapore, West Bengal, India - Mapcarta
Tamluk is a town in the South Rarh region of West Bengal and the headquarters of Purba Medinipur district. Linked intricately with the historical port town of Tamralipta, the present town stands on the banks of the Rupnarayan River.