MB-3 Tamoyo 1 - Tank Encyclopedia
2022年4月23日 · The Tamoyo 1 was Brazil's medium tank developed by Bernardini with the intention to replace their aging fleet in the 1980s and 1990s.
Bernardini MB-3 Tamoyo - Wikipedia
The Bernardini MB-3 Tamoyo was a Brazilian main battle tank designed by Bernardini; however, it never reached production status and it never passed beyond the prototype stage (1983). It was followed by the EE-T1 Osório in 1984, the EE-T2 Osório in 1985, and the Tamoyo III in 1987. [1]
MB-3塔穆伊奥坦克 - 百度百科
1.发动机 发动机是巴西伯纳迪尼公司制造的瑞典萨伯·斯堪尼亚(Saab-Scania)DSI-14型柴油机,在 2100r/min时功率为368kW(500马力),但可望达到478~551kW(650~750马力),此时坦克单位功率可超过16kW(21马力)/t。
生不逢时的南美战车——巴西MB-3“塔穆伊奥”主战坦克 - 哔哩哔哩
2020年10月25日 · 在防护上,mb-3“塔穆伊奥”采用了新研制的炮塔,但受限于重量,全新炮塔采用钢板焊接而成,防护水平与“豹”1相同。 而车体则延续了M41“华克猛犬”的传统,近距离可以被20mm小口径机炮击穿。
【坦克探秘13】巴西的魔改M41——MB-3 Tamoyo - 哔哩哔哩
贝尔纳迪尼工业贸易公司的MB-3 Tamoyo堪称一项疯狂的坦克项目——在轻型坦克的底盘基础上开发主战坦克。 MB-3的本质是M41轻型坦克,基于巴西的M41C Caxias。
Federative Republic of Brazil (Cold War) - Tank Encyclopedia
The first Tamoyo prototype, named Tamoyo 1, was delivered in 1984. This version was armed with a 90 mm gun. Around 1987, the Tamoyo 3 was built, which was armed with a 105 mm L7 gun and armored with composite armor.
Bernardini MB-3 Tamoyo | Military Wiki | Fandom
Bernardini MB-3 Tamoyo. The Tamoyo is a derivative of M41, incorporating new technologies and a cannon 90 or 105 mm, while maintaining the features considered by Brazilian Army in M41. Prototypes were developed in various parts based on parts of the M-41, the train rolling and suspension were similar.
MB-3 Tamoyo – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
O MB-3 Tamoyo foi um carro de combate brasileiro desenvolvido pela empresa Bernardini em parceria com o Centro Tecnológico do Exército (CTEx), derivado do M41 Walker Bulldog. Era voltado às condições operacionais e logísticas do Exército Brasileiro , mais leve e menos sofisticado que a última geração disponível no mercado internacional.
【私人收藏】卡洛斯战车博物馆 • MB-3“塔穆伊奥 III”(4号原型 …
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxVKA30NxGM 贝尔纳迪尼工业贸易公司的MB-3 Tamoyo堪称一项疯狂的坦克项目——在轻型坦克的底盘基础上开发主战坦克。MB-3的本质是M41轻型坦克,基于巴西的M41C Caxias。
Bernardini MB-3 Tamoyo 1 - War Thunder - Official Forum
2023年10月26日 · The MB-3 Tamoyo 1 was powered by a Scania DSI-14 turbocharged V8 500 hp diesel engine. The engine produced 500 hp and 1700 Nm (1250 ft-lbs) at 2100 rpm with the vehicle receiving a horsepower per ton ratio of 16.6 hp/ton, giving the vehicle a top speed of 67 km/h on-roads and an on-road operational range of 550 kilometers.