Tan Daoji - Wikipedia
Tan Daoji (simplified Chinese: 檀道济; traditional Chinese: 檀道濟; pinyin: Tán Dàojì) (before 394 - April 9, 436 [1]) was a high-level general of the Chinese Liu Song dynasty. He was one of the most respected generals during the Southern and Northern Dynasties era.
檀道济 - 百度百科
檀道济,高平金乡人,左将军 檀韶 的弟弟。 从小父母双亡,在居丧期间十分重礼。 事奉兄姊以和蔼谨慎著称。 元兴 三年(404年),檀道济便随两个兄长投奔了 刘裕,随刘裕讨 桓玄 入建康,成为刘裕的建武将军参军事、转官征西将军参军事。 后讨平鲁山,擒获 桓振,授官为辅国参军、南阳太守。 因跟随 刘裕 起兵建有功勋,被封为吴兴县五等侯。 义熙 六年(410年)八月, 卢循 起义,群盗互起,郭寄生等聚集在作唐,檀道济升为扬武将军、天门太守,率军讨伐平定了郭寄 …
Tan Daoji – Wikipedia
Tan Daoji (chinesisch 檀道濟 / 檀道济, Pinyin Tán Dàojì, Jyutping Taan4 Dou6zai3; * im 4. Jahrhundert; † 436) war ein hochrangiger General der chinesischen Südlichen Song -Dynastie. Da er in sehr hohem Ansehen stand, fürchtete ihn Kaiser Wen und dessen Bruder, der Premierminister Liu Yikang (409–451), Fürst von Pengcheng.
檀道济 - 《中国大百科全书》第三版网络版
2022年1月20日 · 刘裕称帝建宋,檀道济以元勋封永修县公,后又出任镇北将军、南兖州刺史。 宋文帝刘义隆时,任江州刺史。 元嘉八年(431),统军击北魏,多有克捷。 至历城(今山东 …
Tan Daoji, a famous general of Liu Song Dynasty: He made great ...
2025年2月15日 · Tan Daoji (? - April 9, 436 AD) was a famous general in the late Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Southern Dynasty Liu Song. He was born in a poor family and his parents died early. He was filial and respectful, served his brothers and sisters, and his …
Tan Daoji - Wikiwand
Tan Daoji (simplified Chinese: 檀道济; traditional Chinese: 檀道濟; pinyin: Tán Dàojì) (before 394 - April 9, 436) was a high-level general of the Chinese Liu Song dynasty. He was one of the most respected generals during the Southern and Northern Dynasties era.
檀道濟 - 中國哲學書電子化計劃 - 中国哲学书电子化计划
Tan Daoji (檀道濟 Tán Dàojì) (died April 9, 436) was a high level general of the Chinese dynasty Liu Song. He was one of the most respected generals during the Southern and Northern Dynasties era.
Talking about History (3) Author of Thirty-six Strategies - Tan Daoji
2025年1月19日 · In 431 AD, Emperor Wen of the Song Dynasty of the Southern Dynasty dispatched Tan Daoji, the Great General of Conquering the South, to attack the Northern Wei Dynasty. Tan Daoji has fought more than 30 times, and the Song army has won many times and has won most of the territory south of the Yellow River.
《檀道济》人物简介,人物图像照,籍贯,生卒年代 - 历史人物 - 品诗 …
2019年8月1日 · 【人物简介:南朝宋大臣。 东晋末,从刘裕平京城,累迁太尉参军,长安平,以为琅邪内史。 入宋转护军将军,封永修县公宋武帝临终,受顾命,宋文帝立,仍重用,元嘉八年,进司空。 后因朝廷疑忌之,被杀。 檀道济题跋像取自明天然撰赞,弘治十一年重刻本《历代古人像赞》。 檀道济像取自清顾沅辑,道光十年刻本《古圣贤像传略》。 周易·大畜卦第二十六《六四,童牛之牿,元吉.》
About: Tan Daoji - DBpedia Association
Tan Daoji (simplified Chinese: 檀道济; traditional Chinese: 檀道濟; pinyin: Tán Dàojì) (before 404 - April 9, 436) was a high level general of the Chinese dynasty Liu Song. He was one of the most respected generals during the Southern and Northern Dynasties era.