Tank - Official GTFO Wiki
The Tank is a special enemy that first debuted in Rundown 004 and acts as a boss for certain expeditions. The Tank is one of the most durable enemies in the game, even more resilient than the Mother. The Tank is a heavy hitter, having both strong ranged attacks and heavy punch attacks. Paired with its high health, mobility, and tendency to hide its only weakspot. It can quickly devastate an ...
【GTFO】这可能是国内目前最全的萌新向入坑指南 - 哔哩哔哩
2022年4月14日 · 引子: gtfo自2019年12月开始公测以来,每当他在各位up口中出现时,总是伴随着“高难”“硬核”“恐怖”,以及充满噱头的“全球通关率仅为2.5%” 注*此数据已过期3年 等标签。 不知不觉中,他在大家的普遍口碑中已经成为了一款“敢做这游戏攻略的人都是狠人”的游戏,难度过高的风评在使得大 ...
Nightmare Giant - Official GTFO Wiki
The Nightmare Giant is a tough unique enemy variant. It serves as a tank with a very high health pool, that can do heavy bursts of damage with its devastating projectile barrage. Nightmare Giants differ greatly in appearance from other Giant types. It has no visible head and no arms. They have long muscular legs, the extent of their mutations apparent with a …
2024年11月20日 · 先说总结,r1作为gtfo早期rundown系列关卡,地图重置后难度相对简单(几乎是最简单一档) ,主要是没有“抱东西”或者其他复杂的机制。 r2听说当时内测玩家反馈r1太简单,导致r2的难度设计非常不合理,有一个明显的分界点,r2c2的无限警报 。
R4C3 overload - killing tank with mines... : r/GTFO - Reddit
2023年5月7日 · Go to GTFO r/GTFO. r/GTFO. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion and fanbase of the game GTFO, developed by Ten Chambers ... I'm aware you can kill a tank with 7 mines. I did this in C1 and can confirm it works, with the mines being placed on the ceiling and getting him to run dead center through them. The thing is, I did this earlier today ...
2024年6月23日 · 《gtfo》攻略“最..本贴偏向战斗,了解敌人与枪械,战斗,爽!推荐武器和工具,以及近战和萌新与人机推荐枪械套装,绝大部分怪物介绍。会搭配gif来介绍更直观,但可能有点啰嗦,如果想快速了解游戏的话,请耐心看。由于度娘会吞和蜜
C-foam on C1 : r/GTFO - Reddit
2020年11月19日 · A subreddit dedicated to the discussion and fanbase of the game GTFO, developed by Ten Chambers ... Is c-foam a viable way to take down the tank at the end of c-1? My girlfriend and I always sail through the level but when we have to face the tank he's always too much. We know his weeks spots and optimal weapons, but will c-foam work. Thanks ...
Sleeper(沉睡者) - GTFO中文维基百科
Tank(坦克) [编辑 | 编辑源代码] 背后长有大型组织的沉睡者变种。主体为大型冲撞者,背后的组织长有数个囊肿。 被惊醒后会快速冲向玩家直至中近距离,随后变为缓慢走向玩家。
2024年10月30日 · 求加强ai的mod..没有加强吧。我在r2modman用过个优化机器人的,效果也就是离玩家太远直接传送,不会对着tank一直开枪,不会乱捡包。机器人本身的命中率好像就是锁头,固定了频率,我六百多小时也没见到那个房主有超级b
Tank - GTFO 日本語攻略 Wiki
2022年2月16日 · Tankは触手を伸ばす前に3つある口の一つが赤く光る。 このため、光ったら隠れるようにすれば、被害を抑えられる。 もし触手を被弾してしまったとしても、 Striker に毛が生えた程度のダメージなのでそこまで恐れることはない。
Giant - Official GTFO Wiki
Giants are towering enemies found within The Complex. They are the larger, more durable cousins of the basic Striker enemy. Giants serve as "tanks," soaking up gunfire and causing a drain on the player's resources. Giants have a very distinguishable, disproportionate anatomy. Similarly to regular Strikers, they possess a masculine, human-like build and proportions, as well as centrally split ...
All GTFO Enemies and Monsters, Ranked by Difficulty
2023年12月12日 · Introducing the Tank, a monster with a 32% Punch and 14% Tongue damage. With very high health, totaling 1000, and an impressive 150 per tumor, this adversary is a true force to be reckoned with. Sporting a Stagger HP of 400, the Tank exhibits both slow and fast speeds, the latter kicking in when charging.
무기 정리 - GTFO 마이너 갤러리 - 디시인사이드
2023年12月6日 · 이 게임에 아직도 유입이 있을까 싶지만 간만에 솔플하면서 뭔 총이 효율적일까 찾아보다 만듬파란색은 추천 총기 (전체적으로 준수 혹은 특정상황에 굉장히 좋음)노란색은 열화상 조준경 (뉴비팟이라 트래커를 제대로 못찍거나
GTFO - Soloing a Tank - YouTube
2021年1月10日 · Ok I did like 90% of the damage and my teammates distracted him but Im still pretty impressed at this
A Subpar Introduction, But Still An Amazing Enemy! - GTFO …
The Tank, GTFO's second 'miniboss' style enemy, made its first appearance back in the original R4C1. While it doesn't have the most spectacular introduction,...
The ULTIMATE GTFO guide : r/GTFO - Reddit
2022年4月10日 · The name isn't an overstatement - it's arguably the biggest and most complete gtfo guide up to date with a lot of information collected and presented in 1 place. It's true that the guide isn't 100% exhaustive - no guide is going to completely cover every single game aspect. ... "There are some clear evidences of killing tanks with mines ...
Steam Community :: Guide :: B.O.T.S in G.T.F.O
2023年6月28日 · GTFO > Guides > BLACK_DRAGON's Guides . 88 ratings. B.O.T.S in G.T.F.O. By BLACK_DRAGON. With the release of RUNDOWN 6 BOTS have been added to the game as an accessibility feature ... When dealing with a tank you wanna have the player with a sniper and from far away snipe the tank with the 2 bots with him, while the other player "attempts" to ...
GTFO Speedrunning and Solo-ing: Tips, Tricks and Other Info
2023年6月17日 · Enemies in GTFO, whether it be a normal striker or tank, will take the path of least resistance, i.e., the path that is both the closest and easiest to penetrate through. Whether you are speedrunning or not, it is good to funnel enemies either in 1 specific direction or through a passageway to make recoil or ammo cost a concern you can throw aside.
Immortal - Official GTFO Wiki
The Immortal is a rare nemesis enemy in GTFO. Unlike other enemies, the Immortal cannot be killed, and must be constantly avoided in order to survive. It made its first appearance in R7E1 Chaos. The Immortal appears anatomically similar to a Tank, but lacks tumors on its back, and is a lighter grey color, compared to the Tank's regular fleshy …
5 of the Most Terrifying GTFO Enemies - FPS Champion
2022年9月21日 · 4. Tank. The Tank is one of the most highly mutated creatures we have experienced yet in GTFO. The mutations on its body have twisted its once humanoid shape into a walking ball of spikes with three heads. Tanks appear to be heavily mutated Chargers since their spikes and strengths are similar to the Charger’s moveset and behavior.