On February 4, 1985, a stub sill tank car released anhydrous hydrogen fluoride due to a crack in an undercut weld at the tank car head. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigated the hazardous material release and concluded that the head to stub sill weld attachment was a critical stress area.
Tank Car Integrated Database | Railinc
Tank Car Integrated Database uses inspection templates to accurately report cracks found in the stub sill attachment welds. Each template lists the welds of its corresponding stub sill design, assigns each weld a weld code and lists the possible locations of each specific weld. Choose the appropriate design template from the list below.
ARI 300 Tank Car Underframe Inspection Bulletin - studylib.net
Inspect the sill and bolster for signs of abrasion, corrosion, cracks, dents, distortion, weld defects or any other condition that would make the tank car unsafe for transportation using one of the
Build a Tank Car - UTLX
The stub sill supports each end of the tank over the trucks and provides a housing for the car-to-car connections. Union Tank Car’s design incorporates pipe bolsters to cradle and stiffen the tank and provide the mount for side bearings to control rocking of the tank in transit.
STRUCTURAL AND FATIGUE ANALYSIS OF A STUB SILL TANK CAR PURPOSE: Evaluate the structural stresses and fatigue performance of a railroad tank car under AAR prescribed loads
Damage Assessment and Improved Inspection Systems | FRA
2019年10月22日 · After an evaluation of inspection data, the railroad and tank car industries, along with FRA, NTSB recommended DTA for tank shells and structural elements, have agreed that performing DTA of each stub sill design will give tank car owners the information they require to make sound decisions on inspection and maintenance of their tank cars.
The tank car, provided by General Electric (GE) and instrumented by ENSCO, was routed through hazmat routes and different yards to capture force environment information. The instrumented tank car was run in autonomous mode collecting force …
The information contained in this inspection bulletin fundamentally explains the inspection, test and acceptance criteria for the structural integrity of the ARI 300 design stub sill series of tank car underframes as specified in 49 CFR Part 180, Subpart F, …
Researchers equipped the instrumented tank car with instrumented couplers on both ends of the car, a vertical coupler force measurement system, multiple accelerometers, and multiple rosette strain gages at various locations around stub sills that were identified as high stress locations by FRA and Union Tank Car subject matter experts.
In 2018, the Federal Railroad Administration’s (FRA) Office of Research, Development and Technology conducted a series of impact tests for different car configurations at various coupling speeds to better understand the load environment of tank cars during yard operations, and to identify hazardous operating scenarios.