Junkers Ju 52 - Wikipedia
The Junkers Ju 52/3m (nicknamed Tante Ju ("Aunt Ju") and Iron Annie) is a transport aircraft that was designed and manufactured by German aviation company Junkers. First introduced during 1930 as a civilian airliner , it was adapted into a military transport aircraft by Germany's Nazi regime, who exercised power over the company for its war ...
Junkers Ju 52/3m – Wikipedia
Die Junkers Ju 52 (Spitzname: „Tante Ju“; im englischen Sprachraum: „Iron Annie“) ist ein dreimotoriges Verkehrs- und Transportflugzeug des deutschen Herstellers Junkers Flugzeugwerk AG in Dessau.
Ju-52运输机 - 百度百科
Ju-52运输机(英文:Junkers Ju-52,德文绰号:Tante Ju,译文:容克大婶),是20世纪30年代中期纳粹德国研制服役的一型螺旋桨运输机。 Ju-52运输机使用传统下单翼气动布局,后三点起落架,单垂尾水平尾翼,装备三台发动机。
Junkers Ju 52-3M - Military Aviation Museum
The Museum’s aircraft, known affectionately as Tante Ju, is the only flying example of its kind in North America. Our specific ‘Tante Ju’ is a Spanish-built variant of the Junkers Ju 52 manufactured as the CASA 352.
Where Eagles Dare: The Legendary Junkers Ju 52 Aircraft
The Junkers Ju 52 is an aircraft that holds legendary status in the aviation world. Often referred to as "Tante Ju," which translates to "Aunt Ju" in English, it has captivated the imaginations of aviation enthusiasts for decades. This iconic aircraft played a crucial role in history and its significance cannot be overstated.
Iron Annie: The Junkers Ju-52 - Warfare History Network
For 13 years from 1932 to 1945, the Junkers German factories produced Ju-52 variants. It was during its first few years in operation that the Ju-52 earned the endearing nicknames “Tante Ju” and “Eisen Annie” (Iron Annie) because of its reliability and performance that resulted in few forced landings and the need for minimal repair work.
Flugzeug "Tante Ju" aus Dessau | MDR.DE
2023年9月11日 · Kriegseinsätze, Passagierflüge und Luftfracht: Die weltberühmte "Tante Ju" war ein Alleskönner. 1930 hob das Modell erstmals in Dessau ab. 1931 kam das dreimotorige Flugzeug auf den Markt und ...
Junkers Ju52 Tante Ju. Part 1. Compiler: Luis German Dzib Aquilar
2015年10月10日 · By 1932, the German airline, Lufthansa, had sufficiently recovered from the economic woes of the 1920’s to put in service a three-engine civil transport plane, the Junkers Ju 52/3m.Based on a short-lived single engine model, the Ju 52 first flew in April 1931 and quickly became the workhorse of both the airline and the reviving Luftwaffe ...
90 Jahre Tante Ju
Since then, you could take off with the “Tante Ju” to fantastic sightseeing flights. But lately it has become quiet, the unique sound of the engines was missing. In South Africa the only airworthy Ju 52 in Africa was grounded, the Swiss “Ju-Air” lost an aircraft in a tragic accident and the D-AQUI of the Lufthansa Foundation remains on ...
90 Jahre Tante Ju
In Südafrika wurde die einzig flugfähige Ju 52 Afrikas gegroundet, die schweizer „Ju-Air“ verlor bei einem tragischen Unfall eine Maschine und die D-AQUI der Lufthansa Stiftung bleibt am Boden und hat ein neues Zuhause in Paderborn gefunden. Es wird ruhig um die Tante Ju …