Tapasin - Wikipedia
Tapasin is a MHC class I antigen -processing molecule present in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum. It plays an important role in the maturation of MHC class I molecules in the ER lumen.
抗原呈递 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
通过基因突变分析,科学家找到了将肽段运入内质网内腔的关键蛋白——TAP1和TAP2。 这两种跨膜蛋白在内质网膜上形成heterodimer,像一道门两侧的守卫。 当TAP发生突变时,肽段无法 …
Tapasin: an ER chaperone that controls MHC class I assembly with ...
One of these accessory molecules is tapasin, a transmembrane protein that tethers empty class I molecules to the peptide transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP). Here, …
Frontiers | Tapasin-mediated editing of the MHC I …
2022年10月30日 · Tapasin, a component of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) I peptide loading complex, edits the repertoire of peptides that is presented at the cell surface by MHC I …
Sci Adv | 优化抗原免疫呈递分子伴侣在细胞治疗和免疫等领域开启 …
2023年3月7日 · Tapasin和类似的TAPBPR分子都是促进MHC-I折叠和肽加载的分子伴侣。 该团队解释道:“免疫伴侣tapasin和TAP结合蛋白相关(TAPBPR)在抗原肽优化和新生I类主要组织 …
Our data indicate that tapasin promotes MHC class I assembly by two major mechanisms, involving (i) an ERp57-independent mode of tapasin function that requires the transmembrane …
TAP相关蛋白 - 百度百科
tapasin;TAP-associated protein 定 义 参与内质网腔中HLAI类分子装配的重要蛋白。能促使细胞表面表达稳定的I类分子。 应用学科 免疫学(一级学科),免疫系统(二级学科),主要组织相 …
The role of tapasin in MHC class I antigen assembly - PubMed
The discovery of tapasin has shed new light on the mechanisms of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I assembly in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Tapasin appears to play …
The mode of action of tapasin on major histocompatibility class I …
Tapasin (Tsn) plays a critical role in antigen processing and presentation by major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) molecules. The mechanism of Tsn-mediated …
Tapasin - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Tapasin is a 48 kDa type I membrane protein encoded by a gene located within the MHC and has been characterized as a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily of proteins (Ortmann et …