TAROM Flight 371 - Wikipedia
TAROM Flight 371 was a scheduled international passenger flight, with an Airbus A310 from Otopeni International Airport in Romania's capital Bucharest to Brussels Airport in Brussels, Belgium. The flight was operated by TAROM, the flag carrier of Romania.
TAROM-Flug 371 – Wikipedia
Der TAROM-Flug 371 war ein internationaler Linienflug der rumänischen Fluggesellschaft TAROM von Bukarest nach Brüssel, auf dem am 31. März 1995 ein Airbus A310-324 kurz nach dem Start abstürzte. Bei diesem schwersten Unfall der rumänischen Luftfahrtgeschichte kamen 60 Menschen ums Leben.
羅馬尼亞航空371號班機空難 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
羅馬尼亞航空371號班機空難是一起發生於1995年3月31日的空難事故,當日羅馬尼亞航空371號班機原定在當地時間09:06分從羅馬尼亞的布加勒斯特奧托佩尼-亨利·科安德國際機場飛往比利時的布魯塞爾機場,但在起飛不久後,便墜毀於羅馬尼亞境內的巴洛泰什蒂鄉 ...
Zborul 371 al TAROM - Wikipedia
Zborul TAROM 371 (RO371/ROT371) a fost un zbor internațional programat care a decolat de pe aeroportul București Otopeni cu destinația Bruxelles. Zborul a fost operat de către TAROM, compania națională de zbor a României, cu un aparat Airbus A310-324 înmatriculat YR-LCC "Muntenia", MSN 450, fabricat în 1987. Avionul era echipat cu ...
Romania's Deadliest Plane Crash: The Story Of TAROM Flight 371
2022年1月17日 · The story of Romania's deadliest plane crash and the series of events that led up to the demise of TAROM flight 371. On the 31st of March 1995, a TAROM Airbus A310-324, registered as YR-LCC, took off from Bucharest on route to Brussels. Sadly the plane crashed in a field a few minutes after takeoff killing all passengers and crew.
罗马尼亚航空371号班机空难 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
罗马尼亚航空371号班机空难是一起发生于1995年3月31日的空难事故,当日罗马尼亚航空371号班机原定在当地时间09:06分从罗马尼亚的布加勒斯特奥托佩尼-亨利·科安德国际机场飞往比利时的布鲁塞尔机场,但在起飞不久后,便坠毁于罗马尼亚境内的巴洛泰什蒂乡 ...
What Caused TAROM 371 to Plummet? | Mayday Air Disaster
When TAROM Flight 371 crashed shortly after takeoff from Otopeni International Airport, Romania faced its deadliest aviation disaster. Investigators uncover shocking findings, from a heart...
Accident Airbus A310-324 YR-LCC, Friday 31 March 1995
Tarom flight 371 was a scheduled passenger service from Bucharest Otopeni Airport (OTP) in Romania to Brussel Airport (BRU), Belgium. On board were 49 passengers and eleven crew members. The first officer was pilot flying, the captain was pilot monitoring. Following de-icing, the Airbus A310 taxied to runway 08R for departure.
RO371 (ROT371) TAROM Flight Tracking and History - FlightAware
2025年2月10日 · Track TAROM (RO) #371 flight from Bucharest Henri Coandă Int'l to Brussels Flight status, tracking, and historical data for TAROM 371 (RO371/ROT371) including scheduled, estimated, and actual departure and arrival times.
Zborul Tarom 371. Cea mai mare catastrofă aviatică din istoria României ...
Pe data de 31 martie 1995, în urmă cu exact 26 de ani, avea loc cea mai mare catastrofă aviatică din istoria României. Atunci, la Balotești, o aeronavă Airbus de tip A310-324, s-a prăbușit în apropierea aeroportului Otopeni. În urma tragediei nu au existat supraviețuitori.
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