Unconventional superconductivity in chiral molecule–TaS2
2024年6月26日 · By incorporating chiral molecules into conventional superconductor lattices such as TaS2 to form a hybrid superlattice, non-centrosymmetry could be introduced and can be shown to help lead to ...
Nematic Ising superconductivity with hidden magnetism in few …
2024年8月31日 · Here, the authors show experimental evidence of emergent nematic Ising superconductivity with simultaneous hidden magnetism (extrinsic anomalous Hall effect and Kondo screening) in 6R-TaS2 under...
Exploring 2d Superconductivity of 2h-Tas2 And 2h-Tase2 - SSRN
2024年9月25日 · This study uses an advanced computational suite for electronic-structure calculations to investigate the superconducting properties of two-dimensional (2D) materials 2H-TaS2 and 2H-TaSe2. These materials' electronic structure, phonon dispersion, and electron-phonon interactions were comprehensively analyzed to understand their superconducting ...
Enhanced Superconductivity in Restacked TaS2 Nanosheets
2017年3月17日 · Here, we report homogeneous interfaces formed by stacking chemically exfoliated monolayer TaS 2 nanosheets randomly. Enhanced superconductivity of Tc = 3 K is observed, compared with 0.8 K of parent 2H-TaS 2.
Understanding the Mott insulating state in 1T-TaS2 and 1T-TaSe2 …
2022年7月19日 · In this article, we review the recent progress of the scanning tunneling microscopy studies of 1T-TaS2 and 1T-TaSe2 for bulk single crystals and molecular beam epitaxy monolayer films. We focus on how to understand the Mott insulating state in the whole set of materials, even when the stacking order takes effect.
Band insulator to Mott insulator transition in 1T-TaS2 - Nature
2020年8月24日 · 1 T -TaS 2 undergoes successive phase transitions upon cooling and eventually enters an insulating state of mysterious origin. Some consider this state to be a band insulator with interlayer...
Enhanced Superconductivity in 2H-TaS2 Devices through in Situ …
2024年7月23日 · We find that the intercalation of amylamine molecules into TaS 2 flakes causes a suppression of the charge density wave and an increase in the superconducting transition with an onset temperature above 3 K. Additionally, we show that a fully developed zero-resistance state can be achieved in flakes by engineering the conditions of the chemical i...
Abnormal Metal–Semiconductor-Like Transition and Exceptional …
2023年6月26日 · Interlayer coupling and stacking order play essential roles in shaping the exotic electronic properties of two-dimensional materials. Here, we employ restacked TaS 2 ─a novel transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) with weak vdW bonding and twisted angles─to investigate the strain effects of interlayer modulation on the electronic properties.
强关联二维材料1T—TaS2晶体 | 材料 - LMLPHP
我校物理系张远波教授课题组通过一种新的实验方法——可控电荷插层,实现了对强关联二维材料1T—TaS2晶体相变的全面研究。 1月26日,相关研究论文Gate-tunable phase transitions in thin flakes of 1T-TaS2(二硫化钽薄层中的可控相变)发表于Nature子刊Nature Nanotechnology(《自然•纳米技术》)。 论文第一和第二作者分别为复旦大学物理系2012级博士生於逸骏和2011级博士生杨昉原。 该课题组一年内在纳米技术领域国际顶尖学术期刊Nature Nanotechnology发出两 …
该研究为金属性硫属化合物 (特别是TaS 2)的电催化析氢应用提供了重要的实验依据,开拓了该类材料作为新型催化剂的应用方向。 总之,纳米尺度的2H-TaS 2 具有高的比表面积、丰富的边缘活性位点、优异的导电特性、层间相对弱的范德华相互作用等优异的特性,未来在能源的存储和转化领域必将有更广阔的应用前景。 该工作中所报道的利用CVD法合成的高质量二维金属性2H …