GitHub - uba/tathu: TATHU is a Python package for tracking and ...
TATHU is a Python package for tracking and analyzing the life cycle of Convective Systems (CS). The package provides a modular and extensible structure, supports different types of …
TATHU - Tracking and Analysis of Thunderstorms — TATHU
TATHU is a Python package for tracking and analyzing the life cycle of Convective Systems (CS). The package provides a modular and extensible structure, supports different types of …
Usage — TATHU - Read the Docs
TATHU package provides specific modules for downloading, reading and remapping data obtained from the GOES-16 satellite - tathu.downloader.goes and tathu.satellite.goes16. The …
TATHU Package Subpackages . tathu.geometry package. Submodules; tathu.geometry.constants module; tathu.geometry.envelope module
GOES ABI-derived hailstorm polygons and tracking dataset for Brazil
Aug 1, 2024 · This paper describes a dataset of convective systems (CSs) associated with hailstorms over Brazil tracked using GOES-16 Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) …
tathu/examples/gallery/plot_goes13-downloader.py at master
TATHU is a Python package for tracking and analyzing the life cycle of convective systems. - uba/tathu
thathu (@tathu_.x) • Instagram photos and videos
186 Followers, 148 Following, 1 Posts - thathu (@tathu_.x) on Instagram: "ᴀ ꜰ 16ᴄʜᴇᴇʀᴢᴢ ᴀᴩʀʟ2& "
Tathu - AdventureQuest Worlds Wiki
Tathu is a monster in AdventureQuest Worlds. When the Dragons of Lore have heard about a contest to see who will win the Dragon Crown and become the King of All Dragons, the Wind …
t.A.T.u. - All The Things She Said (Official Music Video)
REMASTERED IN HD!Music video by t.A.T.u. performing All The Things She Said. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 5,405,015. (C) 2002 Universal Music Russia#tATu #A...
ロシアのタトゥー2人が明かしたドタキャンの真相 タモリさん「 …
Nov 15, 2021 · タトゥーは人気絶頂だった2003年6月、初めて来日した。 そのとき出演したのが「ミュージックステーション」だった。 彼女たちはそこで衝撃的な「事件」を起こすこと …