Tatra 601 - Wikipedia
The Tatra 601 Monte Carlo (aluminium bodied) was a two-door sports car with possibly only two units built (only one known to exist). Although the 601 was named after the Monte Carlo race, it never competed in it, but it did compete in the Alpenfahrt Rally.
1952 Tatra T 601 Monte Carlo - World Car Specifications
The Tatra T 601 Monte Carlo is a 2 door coupé-bodied motor vehicle with a rear positioned engine powering the rear wheels. The 2.5 litre engine is a naturally aspirated, overhead valve, 8 cylinder unit that has an output of 74 bhp (75 PS/55 kW) of power at 4200 rpm.
Tatra 600 - Wikipedia
The Tatra 600, named the Tatraplan, was a rear-engined large family car (D-segment in Europe) produced from 1948 to 1952 by the Czech manufacturer Tatra. The first prototype was finished in 1946.
Tatra 601 - Wikiwand
The Tatra 601 Monte Carlo (aluminium bodied) was a two-door sports car with possibly only two units built (only one known to exist). Although the 601 was named after the Monte Carlo race, it never competed in it, but it did compete in the Alpenfahrt Rally.
CC Capsule: 1949 Tatra 600 Tatraplan – The Four-Cylinder Tatra
2014年12月29日 · We’ve covered the history of Tatra and the incredible V8 pre-war streamliners, as well as the later post-war Tatra 603, but the Tatra 600 Tatraplan has barely been mentioned here. It was a slightly-scaled down four cylinder version of the V8 Type 87, and an evolution of the pre-war four-cylinder 97.
Tatra 600 Tatraplan (1948-1952) - Motor Car History
The Tatra 600 or Tatraplan is a car model with aerodynamically shaped body of the former Czechoslovak and today Czech vehicle manufacturer Tatra. The Tatraplan is somewhat unusual in appearance. The body (which is built integrally with the chassis) is very streamlined and has a fin at the back which passes between the rear windows.
Tatra portal - Web site about TATRA cars and trucks
Pod označením Tatra 601 byl roku 1949 postaven prototyp (některé prameny udávají 2 vyrobené kusy T601) dvoudveřového sportovního vozu na bázi sériového Tatraplánu. T601 má dvoudveřovou karoserii, vnější plechy jsou hliníkové, ostatní z ocelového plechu, včetně podlahy.
Tatra 601 Monte Carlo 2.2 , Československo 1949 - Auta5P
V roce 1949 byl postaven jeden exemplář (prototyp) vozu Tatra 601 Monte Carlo. Vůz měl dvoudveřovou hliníkovou karosérii. Původně byl vybaven sériovým motorem T 600 Tatraplan (2.0, 52 koní, 155 km/h). Pak byl motor převrtán z 85 mm na 90 mm, tento větší motor 2.2 je uveden výše v popisu vozu.
Tatra T 601 - World Car Specifications
Current & classic Tatra T 601 models with detailed specs including acceleration, maximum speed, exterior dimensions and fuel economy. All specifications listed are searchable, filterable and sortable.
Tatra 601 - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia
2023年11月22日 · The T601 was manufactured by Tatra based on the T600, built in 1949. The Tatra 601 Monte Carlo (aluminium bodied) was a two-door sports car with possibly only two units built (only one known to exist).