KTM-5 - Wikipedia
The KTM-5, later known as the 71-605, is a Soviet tram model manufactured by UKVZ. First introduced in 1963, the KTM-5 was mass-produced between 1969 and 1992, with a total of 14,991 [2] tramcars being made. KTM-5 trams were built exclusively for the Soviet Union, and therefore are currently only operating in post-Soviet states.
About: KTM-5 - DBpedia Association
The KTM-5, later known as the 71-605, is a Soviet tram model manufactured by UKVZ. First introduced in 1963, the KTM-5 was mass-produced between 1969 and 1992, with a total of 14,991 tramcars being made. KTM-5 trams were built exclusively for the Soviet Union, and therefore are currently only operating in post-Soviet states.
KTM5 - public-transport.net
Die KTM-5 sind nach den Tatra T3 die am meisten gebauten Straßenbahnen der Welt. KTM-5 are after Tatra T3 the most built trams in the world.
Russlands Straßenbahnen im Wandel - Tram Explorer
2025年2月24日 · Die bekanntesten davon sind der tschechoslowakische Tatra T3 und der sowjetische KTM-5. Es handelt sich um die beiden meistgebauten Straßenbahntypen der Welt. Der Tatra mit seiner runden Frontpartie war in einer Normalspurvariante auch Deutschland weit verbreitet und kommt dort noch heute in einigen Städten zum Einsatz.
KTM-5M3 - public-transport.net
Die KTM-5 sind nach den Tatra T3 die meistgebaute Straßenbahn der Welt. Zwischen 1971 und 1990 wurden insgesamt 12.943 KTM-5M3 gebaut. Anfang 2021 fahren noch 20 in Nowosibirsk. The KTM-5s are the most built trams in the world after the Tatra T3s. Between 1971 and 1990, a total of 12,943 KTM-5M3s were built.
КТМ-5 - "ковчег на колела", който отказва да умре
5 天之前 · За да не загрозяват градските пейзажи, КТМ-5 се използват само в провинцията, докато в големите и силно посещавани градове съставът е предимно от чешките Tatra. Скоро след масовото пускане на грозните трамваи започват и оплакванията.
KTM-5 - Vikipedio
KTM-5 aŭ 71-605 estas ne plu produktata sovetia 4-aksa altplanka unuflanka tramvagono. La unuaj ekzempleroj de ĝi aperis en 1963 en la Ust-Katava Tramkonstrua Uzino Kirov, regula …
KTM-5 — Vikipēdija
Pirmo KTM-5 uzbūvēja 1963. gadā, modeļa galvenais konstruktors bija V. Leonīdovs. Tā elektriskā un mehāniskā konstrukcija, kā arī ārējais dizains tika aizgūti no RVR-6, kura prototips bija čehoslovāku Tatra T2, kas, savukārt, bija Ziemeļamerikas PCC tramvaja licencēta versija.
KTM-5 – Wikipédia
Ide o električku klasickej koncepcie s vysokou podlahou, dlhej 15 m. Jej prvý prototyp sa objavil už v roku 1965 v Čeľabinsku, ale vtedy išlo o vozeň podobajúci sa skôr električke Tatra T3 z vtedajšej ČSSR, ktorá vychádzala z americkej licencie od spoločnosti Westinghouse, zakúpenej v 1930-tych rokoch.
KTM-5 - Wikiwand
The KTM-5, later known as the 71-605, is a Soviet tram model manufactured by UKVZ. First introduced in 1963, the KTM-5 was mass-produced between 1969 and 1992, with a total of 14,991 [2] tramcars being made. KTM-5 trams were built exclusively for the Soviet Union, and therefore are currently only operating in post-Soviet states.