Tatra T6A5 - Wikipedia
Tatra T6A5 is a unidirectional high-floor Czech streetcar made for public transport in Europe and is one sub-type of T6 standard trams made by Czech light rail supplier Tatra ČKD in Prague. Five cities, namely Bratislava, Košice in Slovakia and Brno, Prague and Ostrava in Czech Republic operate them in various configurations and amounts.
Tatra T6A5 – Wikipedie
Tatra T6A5 je čtyřnápravová tramvaj, která byla v letech 1991 – 1998 vyráběna firmou ČKD Tatra v Praze pro český a slovenský trh jako nástupce tramvají Tatra T3.
Tatra T6 - Wikipedia
The Tatra T6 is a family of trams from the Czech manufacturer Tatra ČKD built in Prague. It was a continuation of the Tatra T5 type. The cars had an all-steel welded construction with large side windows and a high ceiling.
Tatra-Straßenbahn - Typ T6A5 - Strassenbahn-Online
Dezember 2021 wurden 2 T6A5 (# 8648, # 8730) nach Charkiw abtransportiert, wo sie für Kamianske aufgearbeitet werden sollten. Im Herbst 2022 spendeteten die Verkehrsbetriebe Prag 20 Straßenbahnwagen (5 T3SUCS, 15 T6A5) an die Stadt Charkiw, wo durch die kriegsbedingte Zerstörung ein Mangel an einsatzfähigen Fahrzeugen besteht.
Tatra T6A5 - Wikiwand
Tatra T6A5 is a unidirectional high-floor Czech streetcar made for public transport in Europe and is one sub-type of T6 standard trams made by Czech light rail supplier Tatra ČKD in Prague. Five cities, namely Bratislava, Košice in Slovakia and Brno, Prague and Ostrava in Czech Republic operate them in various configurations and amounts.
Tatra T6A5 – Wikipedija
Tatra T6A5 je četveroosovinski jednosmjerni tramvaj koji se proizvodio od 1991. do 1998. godine u tvornici ČKD u Pragu kao nasljednik tramvaja Tatra T3. Ukupno je proizvedeno 296 tramvaja koji voze u redovnom prometu.
Tatra T6A5 - TRAM-BUS.cz
čelo T6A5 (foto: MCH) Vůz je jednosměrný, elektrická výzbroj TV3, skluzová a smyková ochrana, dvojí vypružení, větší okna, dvoukřídlé vyklápěcí dveře IFE, polopantograf a automatická …
sktr: Tatra T6A5 {1} - SpotLog
The Tatra T6A5 is a unidirectional high-floor tram built by ČKD Tatra. Deliveries to Košice began in 1991 and the first trams entered service in 1992. Originally they operated both in sets and as solo cars, but the solo cars left regular service when the VarioLF2 trams entered service.
基辅, Tatra T6A5 — 车辆列表 — 市区电力交通网
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Tatra T6A5 – Wikipédia
Tatra T6A5 je typ štvornápravovej električky, ktorá bola v rokoch 1991 – 1998 vyrábaná spoločnosťou ČKD Tatra v Prahe pre český a slovenský trh ako nástupca električiek Tatra T3.