稅務局 - Inland Revenue Department
Inland Revenue Department
Tax Information - Individuals / Businesses. 2025-26 Budget – Tax Measures; Global minimum tax and Hong Kong minimum top-up tax for multinational enterprise groups; Individuals; Businesses; Property Owners; Employers; 2023 Policy Address – Tax-related Policy Measures (on Individuals) Increasing ceiling amount for home loan interest and ...
GovHK: eTAX Login & Information - 香港政府一站通
eTAX is the gateway to the Inland Revenue Department’s electronic services. It offers you an easy, secure and environment-friendly means to facilitate your compliance with the tax law. eTAX Account holders are provided with a wide range of user-friendly electronic services to enable them to discharge their tax obligations conveniently.
Internal Revenue Service | An official website of the United States ...
Prepare and file your federal income taxes online for free. Prepare and file your taxes for free with the IRS. Access your individual, business or tax pro account. Upload documents in response to an IRS notice or letter. Where's My Refund? Find the status of …
計算薪俸税及個人入息課税 - 香港政府一站通
你可使用由税務局製作的 簡單税款計算機,計算你應繳的薪俸税或個人入息課税税款。 此軟件現已更新,方便你按照2025-26年度財政預算案建議,計算2024/25及2025/26年度所須繳交的税 …
GovHK 香港政府一站通:「稅務易」
「稅務易」通行密碼是供你登入「稅務易」帳戶時核實身分之用。 你可經「稅務易」在網上申請通行密碼。 「稅務易」提供多項與受僱、商業和物業有關的稅務服務。 你可選擇以電子記錄代 …
稅務局 : 税務資料 - Inland Revenue Department
主頁; 最新消息; 關於本局. 負責執行的條例; 抱負,使命及信念; 税務局組織圖; 税收概況; 服務承諾; 納税人約章; 給不同種族人士的資訊
Inland Revenue - Te Tari Taake
Inland Revenue (IR) will continue to call people about updating and improving security in their myIR accounts even with feedback from some customers that the calls feel like a scam. You can easily see payments, change your details, and manage tax and other services using myIR.
Taxpayer Portal
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E-Tax is a free service offered by the Inland Revenue Division that allows you to manage your taxes online. Once you log in, you can: ...and more! What's e-Tax? Call Us! © 2025 IRD. All …