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Property Taxes | Town of Danville, NH - Danville, New Hampshire
View and pay your property tax using the link above! The Town of Danville allows various exemptions or credits in order to lesson the impact of property taxes. These include an elderly exemption, blind exemption, veteran's credit and disabled veteran credit.
Assessing / Land Use | Town of Danville, NH - Danville, New Hampshire
For the most current assessing information, please visit the Town Hall during regular business hours. To access the Avitar database, please use the link found here and on the homepage. The Assessor can usually be reached at the Town Hall the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Please contact the office if you'd like to make an appointment.
Right-To-Know Information | Town of Danville, NH - Danville, New Hampshire
All tax information is available under the Right-To-Know law, including tax values, tax map information, current tax assessments and property owner. This information may be obtained from the Tax Collector at Town Hall in person or via email or telephone.
Avitar Associates of New England, Inc.
Welcome to Avitar Associates' online Assessing Kiosk. This site hosts assessing data for numerous communities throughout the State of New Hampshire. For an updated list of the available municipalities click HERE. Choose Login Method
NH Tax Kiosk
Search for a Tax Bill using one of the following search methods. The Town of DANVILLE is excited to offer residents an easy and convenient method to view and pay bills Online. Fast and Easy. No registration required for "One Time Pay", the fastest way to pay online and confirm payment. Safe and Secure.
Welcome to New Hampshire Property Taxes Listings
Evaluate towns by county and compare datasets including Valuation, Municipal, County Rate, State and Local Education tax dollar amounts.
Property Tax Rates of Danville, NH - New Hampshire Property …
What are the property taxes in Danville, NH? Including data such as Valuation, Municipal, County Rate, State and Local Education tax dollar amounts.
New Hampshire Plat Map - Property Lines, Land Ownership
The AcreValue New Hampshire plat map, sourced from New Hampshire tax assessors, indicates the property boundaries for each parcel of land, with information about the landowner, the parcel number, and the total acres.
Municipal GIS & Tax Maps - SNHPC
Below you'll find links to each municipality's tax map. Some maintain web GISs as well.