TaZ - Liquipedia Counter-Strike Wiki
Wiktor "TaZ" Wojtas (born June 6, 1986) is a Polish professional Counter-Strike 2 coach and a former Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Counter-Strike player. He was part of the very successful Polish Golden Five lineup in Counter-Strike, winning WCG three times, two ESWC trophies, and the IEM World Championship twice.
Wiktor 'TaZ' Wojtas's Counter-Strike Player Profile - HLTV.org
Wiktor Wojtas known as TaZ, is a 38 year old Counter-Strike player from Poland, currently coaching for G2.
TAZ成为G2的新任主教练 - 哔哩哔哩
g2宣布签下taz作为他们的cs战队的新任主教练。 他与G2签订了一份包含了一段试用期的长期合同。 这位波兰人将取代JSwani的角色。
TaZ CS2 Settings, Crosshair & Config - ProSettings.net
2025年1月9日 · G2 Esports TaZ settings and setup, including CFG, crosshair, viewmodel, sensitivity and more. Always updated for CS2.
,[CSGO]ESL One科隆站现场 Taz感人瞬间,卡托夺冠后的m0nesy和妈妈的甜蜜互动,【CS2中字】青训小孩m0NESY对话14岁大地球粉丝:我12岁FACEIT就10级了,你要加快速度噢
TaZ CS2 Crosshair, Mouse, Settings and Config · cs2settings.net
Wiktor Wojtas, also known as TaZ, is a professional Counter-Strike 2 player and coach from Poland. Born on July 6, 1986, TaZ is considered one of the most experienced and successful players in the CS2 scene. He has been a part of various top-tier teams throughout his career and is currently representing G2 Esports.
2025年TaZ的CS2设置、十字准星、灵敏度和配置:启动选项、视 …
查找有关(2025年)taz的职业玩家cs2设置:设置和装备。 配置、视频设置、鼠标灵敏度、十字准星。 显示器、鼠标、耳机、键盘。
TaZ (Wiktor Wojtas) CS2 Stats – G2
Explore Wiktor TaZ Wojtas career highlights with detailed player statistics. Match and tournament history, CS stats, and a list of awards.
TaZ谈CS2革新:只有菜鸟才会嗷嗷哭 - 5EPlay
2023年9月5日 · Wiktor Wojtas | TaZ 在推特上力挺CS2带来的诸多变化。 在个人社交媒体上,TaZ表达了自己对CS2的喜爱之情。 “如今的CS2测试版比以往的CSGO要好玩得多。和朋友、社区玩家一起打官匹的感觉就像老式网咖比赛。 只有菜鸟才会因为CS2测试版嗷嗷哭。