TBC1D1 Gene - GeneCards | TBCD1 Protein | TBCD1 Antibody
2024年12月25日 · TBC1D1 (TBC1 Domain Family Member 1) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with TBC1D1 include Hemorrhage, Intracerebral and Colloid Adenoma. Among its related pathways are Vesicle-mediated transport and PI3K-Akt signaling pathway. Gene Ontology (GO) annotations related to this gene include GTPase activator activity.
TBC1 domain-containing proteins are frequently involved in triple ...
2024年9月4日 · Since cellular metabolism is controlled by membrane traffic at multiple levels, we investigated the involvement of TBC1 domain-containing proteins (TBC1Ds) in the regulation of cancer metabolism.
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TBC1D1 包含多个丝氨酸/ 苏氨酸激酶AKT 和AMPK的磷酸化位点。 这些磷酸化位点使TBC1D1能够维持Rab 蛋白在非活性的GDP结合状态,进而在无循环调控机制尚未被充分揭示 。 外部刺激的情况下阻断深入研究Rab蛋白的激活与失活机制,将为揭示细胞过程的时空特异性提供关键见解。 含Tre2-Bub2-Cdc16 (TBC) 结构域的GTP酶激活蛋白,简称为TBC 蛋白,不仅是Rab GLUT4 的转运。 TBC1D1被认为是胰岛素信号和收缩-刺激信号之间的汇合点,其PTB 结构域能够调节Rab蛋白, …
2024年3月1区单基因纯生信文章揭秘! - 光速医学SCI创作训练营
2024年8月6日 · 研究的目的: 研究的主要目的是全面调查 TBC1 Domain Family Member 1(TBC1D1)在胶质瘤免疫治疗抵抗中的作用和机制,并探索其作为预后生物标志物的潜力。 研究方法:
Illuminating the functional and structural repertoire of human TBC ...
2012年1月18日 · TBC1 domain family member 4 (TBC1D4) and TBC1D1 are inhibited by phosphorylation, and TBC1D1 is also inhibited by a polymorphism (Arg125Trp) in the amino-terminal phosphotyrosine-binding (PTB)...
TBC1 domain-containing proteins are frequently involved in triple ...
2024年9月4日 · Since cellular metabolism is controlled by membrane traffic at multiple levels, we investigated the involvement of TBC1 domain-containing proteins (TBC1Ds) in the regulation of cancer metabolism. These proteins are characterized by the presence of a RAB-GAP domain, the TBC1 domain, and typically function as attenuators of RABs, the master ...
TBCK Gene - GeneCards | TBCK Protein | TBCK Antibody
2024年12月25日 · TBCK (TBC1 Domain Containing Kinase) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with TBCK include Hypotonia, Infantile, With Psychomotor Retardation And Characteristic Facies 3 and Congenital Nervous System Abnormality .
The TBC1D1 gene: structure, function, and association with
This review summarizes what is currently known on the TBC1 (tre-2/USP6, BUB2, cdc16) domain family, member 1 (TBC1D1) gene and gives an overview of its links with human obesity and related traits, taking also information from other animals.
TBC1D24-Related Disorders - GeneReviews® - NCBI Bookshelf
2015年2月26日 · TBC1D24 encodes TBC1 domain family member 24 (TBC1D24), a Tre2-Bub2-Cdc16 (TBC) domain-containing RAB GTPase-activating protein, which catalyzes the hydrolysis of GTP by small GTPases, thus regulating the proper transport of intracellular vesicles. TBC1D24 is the only TBC/RabGAP protein with a TLDc domain (TBC, LysM, Domain catalytic); it is of ...
TBC1 域家族成员 24(TBC1D24)基因 | MCE - MCE-生物活性 ...
TBC 结构域蛋白可作为特定组 GTP 酶的 GTP 酶激活蛋白,即参与膜运输调节的 Rab (大脑中的 Ras 相关蛋白) 小 GTP 酶。 该基因的突变与家族性婴儿肌阵挛性癫痫有关。 可变剪接导致多个转录本变体。 [RefSeq 提供,2011 年 2 月] This gene encodes a protein with a conserved domain, referred to as the TBC domain, characteristic of proteins which interact with GTPases.