TCAS 3000 SP™ | Traffic Collision Avoidance System | L3Harris
The L3Harris TCAS 3000SP is a proven & world class traffic collision avoidance system for the aviation industry. The TCAS 3000SP (Surveillance Processor) is based on the ACSS’ industry …
CAS 3000SP. It tracks up to 400 aircraft and incorporates Hybrid Surveillance using ADS-B In passive tracking to reduce 1090 MHz frequency congestion. Additionally, it uses the ACSS patented amplitude monopulse antenna with high bearing …
Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System 3000 - TCAS 3000
The TCAS 3000 provides pilots with the highest bearing determination accuracy (2° rms vs. 9° TSO specification) and extended range surveillance (up to 80 nm active, 100+ nm passive) available.
TCAS 3000SP ™ - L3 Technologies - PDF Catalogs | Technical ...
The TCAS 3000SP delivers enhancements in reliability and computing power to handle the most demanding applications, including the mandated Change 7.1 enhancement and Airborne Separation Assurance System (ASAS) upgrades.
空中防撞系统 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
空中防撞系统 (英语: Traffic Collision Avoidance System, 缩写: TCAS)是安装于中、大型 飞机 的一组 电脑 系统,用以避免飞机在空中互相冲撞,与 地面迫近警告系统 搭配成为保护飞航安全的两大防线。
The TCAS 3000 is an onboard advisory system designed to act as a backup to the air traffic control (ATC) radar and the “see and avoid” procedures. By computing the closure rate and altitude of all transponder equipped aircraft in the surrounding airspace, the TCAS can anticipate a potential midair collision before it has a chance to ...
空中防撞系統 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
空中防撞系統 (英語: Traffic Collision Avoidance System, 縮寫: TCAS)是安裝於中、大型 飛機 的一組 電腦 系統,用以避免飛機在空中互相衝撞,與 地面迫近警告系統 搭配成為保護飛航安全的兩大防線。
TCAS 3000SPTM - L3 Technologies - PDF Catalogs | Technical ...
The TCAS 3000SP delivers enhancements in reliability and computing power to handle the most demanding applications, including the Change 7.1 enhancement. Pilots can see more than ever before using the TCAS 3000SP. It tracks up to 400 aircraft and incorporates Hybrid Surveillance using ADS-B In passive tracking to reduce 1090 MHz frequency ...
2025年3月13日 · Detailed avionics part information page for ACSS TCAS 3000 TCAS Processor with price, availability, stock, inventory, features, specifications, and description.
Aircraft TCAS - 3000SP™ - L3 Technologies - AeroExpo
The L3Harris TCAS 3000SP is a proven & world class traffic collision avoidance system for the aviation industry. The TCAS 3000SP (Surveillance Processor) is based on the ACSS’ industry-leading TCAS II 2000 proven product line with more than 15,000 units delivered.