Aircraft TCAS Testing - Laversab Inc.
The Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) operates independently from air traffic control and uses transponder signals from nearby aircraft to alert pilots to potential mid-air collisions. We dive into the TCAS system and explain how it can be tested:
RGS-2000NG NextGen TCAS Test Set | VIAVI Solutions Inc.
The RGS-2000NG TCAS Test Set is an RF signal generator/receiver for testing TCAS (Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System) with an option available for testing transponder LRUs. The RGS-2000NG was designed with modern software-driven digital modulation technology and is the RGS-2000 replacement for engineering development, design ...
ATC/TCAS控制面板:你真的了解吗?B737系列机务在线 - 认真、 …
由于tcas故障时触发ecam程序的飞行警告计算机,无法识别出安装了哪种类型的atc/tcas控制面板。 因此,不可能向机组人员提供一个定制的ECAM程序,指出每种面板要选择的设置。
【PSCAE18101】TCAS的简单介绍 - 哔哩哔哩
在PSCAE17121 (CV111610)中,简单介绍了保护飞航安全的两大防线之一的近地警告系统(GPWS),本期将简单介绍同为两大防线之一的TCAS,全称 Traffic Collision Avoidance System 或 Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System—— 即空中防撞系统,目的是减少空中撞机事故的发生。 那么TCAS是如何运作的呢? 空中防撞系统的运作是通过飞机上的应答机确定飞机航向和高度,使飞机之间可以显示相互之间的距离间隔和高度。 1. TCAS交通显示屏及其上的交通符 …
Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) - VIAVI Solutions Inc.
Comprehensive TCAS testing and target generation, from factory to flight line. Performance verification testing of critical airborne systems from a single device. We provide support, services, comprehensive training and the resources you need. It’s all part of what we do to maximize the value of your VIAVI investment.
Traffic Collision Avoidance Systems | Collins Aerospace
At Collins Aerospace, we give mission flight crews precision situational awareness through a wide range of trusted traffic collision avoidance systems (TCAS), including our advanced TCAS II system based on technology we developed for the 787 ISS-2100 Integrated Surveillance System to address the emerging requirements of the NextGen® airspace.
Viavi/Aeroflex TCAS-201 TCAS Ramp Test Set - AvionTEq
The Aeroflex / IFR TCAS-201 simulates the airborne environment necessary for verification/certification of TCAS installations performing many of the required tests for Supplemental Type Certification (STC) during initial installation and …
机载防撞系统(TCAS)分析及典型故障维修经验交流机务在线 - 认 …
2009年12月2日 · tcas 系统作为现代飞机的重要机载电子设备,具有探测范围大,探测精度高,反映速度快以及显示清晰易辩读等特点。它的突出表现和卓越性能,越来越受到广大飞行人员和地面交通管制人员的喜爱和依赖。是飞机安全飞行的重要帮手。
Avionics Test Systems - Astrec
Test solution for development, certification, test and repair of Traffic Collision Avoidance Systems (TCAS) and transponders. NextGen Transponder/DME Test Set and ADS-B Target Generator. Test Set for global ATC modernization with NextGen test technology. IFF Antenna Coupler Kit.
TCAS Test Sets - AvionTEq
TCAS test equipment performs functions such as testing the entire TCAS antenna S-Parameters and permitting complete evaluation of the antennas in the field. They allow verification and certification of an aircraft`s TCAS installation, performing many of the required tests for Supplemental Type Certification (STC) during initial installation and ...