Antibody-mediated rejection: prevention, monitoring and …
Antibody-mediated rejection (AMR) has emerged as the leading cause of late graft loss in kidney transplant recipients. Donor-specific antibodies are an independent risk factor for AMR and graft loss. However, not all donor-specific antibodies are pathogenic. AMR treatment is heterogeneous due to the lack of robust trials to support clinical ...
Recommended Treatment for Antibody-mediated Rejection …
Treatment of concomitant TCMR is recommended in all cases of AMR but is particularly relevant in these cases. Similar to patients with chronic active AMR in the context of preexisting antibodies, treatment with PLEX, IVIG, and Rituximab is used in some centers, although the …
肾移植后期抗体介导排斥反应防治专家共识 - 中华医学杂志
肾移植后期抗体介导的排斥反应(AMR)严重影响移植肾长期存活率,新生供者特异性抗体(dnDSA)是后期AMR的主要致病因素。 为应对这一重要临床瓶颈,提高我国肾移植长期存活率,中国医药生物技术协会移植技术分会和上海市肾脏移植质量控制中心专家委员会组织相关专家参考国外最新进展,结合我国肾移植临床实际撰写了初稿,广泛征求国内本领域专家修改意见后统稿完成本共识。 共识围绕降低dnDSA的产生风险以预防后期AMR、定期检测dnDSA并通过病理 …
中国肾脏移植免疫监测临床诊疗指南(2023版) - 中华器官移植杂志
T细胞介导的排斥反应(T cell-mediated rejection, TCMR)的诊治相对容易,而抗体介导的排斥反应(antibody-mediated rejection, AMR)治疗起来则较为困难,花费高且效果欠佳,是导致移植肾失功的重要原因。
肾移植抗体介导排斥反应的预防及诊疗要点 - 中华医学杂志
供者特异性抗体(DSA)的预防、诊断和针对性治疗是目前肾移植抗体介导排斥反应(AMR)临床诊疗的关键。 免疫抑制治疗强度不足以控制由同种异体人类白细胞抗原(HLA)激发的免疫反应是受者产生DSA的原因。 肾移植受者术后应定期检测HLA抗体,分析阳性HLA抗体是否具有供者特异性,综合DSA的特性和病理活检诊断及时明确其临床意义,指导进一步的合理治疗。 对DSA应重在预防、定期检测、积极适度治疗,防止AMR疾病过程中一系列不良事件的因果发展,以期提 …
Acute Antibody-mediated Rejection Coexisting With T …
Acute ABO-I AMR can develop simultaneously with TCMR, even in young patients with a compromised humoral immune response following ABO-I LT. Establishing the accurate diagnosis of AMR with a pathological examination, including …
成人肝移植后急性T细胞介导的(细胞)排斥反应的治疗 - UpToDate
接受免疫抑制治疗时,10%-30%的肝移植受者会发生急性T细胞介导的(细胞)排斥反应(T cell-mediated rejection, TCMR)。 急性排斥反应可大致分为TCMR和抗体介导的排斥反应(antibody-mediated rejection, AMR;以前称为体液性排斥反应)。
Molecular diagnosis of antibody-mediated rejection: Evaluating …
2024年9月1日 · A total of 71 histological AMR and 35 T cell–mediated rejection (TCMR) cases were identified as molecular AMR and TCMR in 55% and 63%, respectively. Among 121 cases without MVI (glomerulitis + peritubular capillaritis = 0), 45 (37%) donor-specific antibody (DSA)-positive and 76 (63%) DSA-negative cases were analyzed.
Response to treatment and long-term outcomes in kidney …
2018年9月27日 · Over the last three decades, T cell–mediated rejection (TCMR) has been progressively perceived as a benign condition in the course of kidney transplant recipients by several transplant centers. 1 Our understanding of the natural history of TCMR relies on the diagnostic criteria used to recognize T cell–mediated injury operating in allografts, wh...
中国肾移植排斥反应临床诊疗指南 (2016 版) - 丁香园
2016年8月22日 · CMR 的本质就是在异抗原刺激下 T 细胞的活化、 白细胞介素-2(interleukin,IL-2)的产生和致敏 T 细胞大量的克隆增殖。 T 细胞介导的排斥反应(TCMR)是早期移植肾失功的独立危险因素,可增加 AMR 发生风险,并影响受者预后。