Charge-transfer-induced structural rearrangements at both
2010年3月28日 · The nitrogen 1 s core level spectrum for neutral TCNQ shows a single peak at 399.6 eV, and a satellite or ‘shake-up’ structure, characteristic of XPS peaks for semiconductors and insulators ...
(left) C1s and (right) N1s XPS spectra of the TCNQ (bottom) and …
Incorporation of DPPS and CuPc (NH2)4 doped with TCNQ on the perovskite layer promoted the carrier generation and charge transfer, yielding the best performance of conversion efficiency as ...
Charge-transfer interface of insulating metal-organic ... - Nature
2022年12月12日 · Oxidation states of Cu ions as (II) and (I) in Cu-BPyDC and Cu-TCNQ, respectively, were confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS); upon growing few layers of Cu-TCNQ (5 cycles) on...
Organic-based magnetic semiconductor thin film of Fe (TCNQ)
2014年10月1日 · In this study, we developed thin film of Fe (TCNQ) x∼2, other variation of organic-based magnetic thin film, which displays semiconducting behavior with room temperature conductivity σ ∼ 8.5 × 10 2 S/cm. The IR and photoemission spectra display the coordination between metal ion and TCNQ based on the charge transfer rather than a physical mixture.
Significantly raising tetracyanoquinodimethane electrode …
2023年2月9日 · In this work, highly purified TCNQ (p-TCNQ) was prepared through simple sublimation as a cathode for LTAZIBs. The batteries with p-TCNQ using 3 M ZnCl 2 + 1 vol% Polyethylene glycol (PEG) additive demonstrated a superior rate and cycling property than nonpurified TCNQ (TCI > 98%) at both room and low temperatures.
Interface state and energy level alignment of F4-TCNQ …
2014年2月1日 · The electronic states of 2,3,5,6-tetrafluoro-7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane (F 4 -TCNQ) molecules sandwiched between a pentacene (Pn) film and the ethylene-terminated Si (1 0 0) surface were investigated using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS), and their effects on the morphology and ...
钠插入四氰基喹二甲烷(TCNQ)的研究:通过表面科学方法获得的TCNQ …
We exposed a TCNQ thin film stepwise to sodium vapour and monitored the electronic structure by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and ultra-violet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS). During the insertion experiment three stages were observed, which can be related to three different phases, predominantly consisting of TCNQ, TCNQ and TCNQ 2−.
TCNQ-induced in-situ electrochemical deposition for the synthesis …
2017年6月10日 · In this paper, we synthesized AgNDs on glassy carbon electrode (GCE) by the electrodeposition method using 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ) as the inducer (Fig. 1). The TCNQ reacts with Ag ions in electrolyte to form Ag-TCNQ fibers, which act as the templates for the formation of the Ag nanodendritic structure.
XPS full spectra of a) Cu‐TCNQ, b) Cu‐DCNQI, and c) Ag‐DCNQI ...
In this work, a series of metal-cyanoquinone complexes including Cu-TCNQ, Cu-DCNQI, and Ag-DCNQI is first synthesized... [...] Microwave absorption in the frequency 2-8GHz (S & C band) by carbon...
四硫富瓦烯-四氰基醌二甲烷 (TTF·TCNQ) 和相关高导电有机配合物 …
通过X射线光电子能谱(XPS)研究了四硫富瓦烯-四氰基醌二甲烷(TTF·TCNQ)和相关的高导电有机配合物。 发现TTF·TCNQ蒸镀膜的N 1s峰形在X射线照射下发生了变化;N 1s 峰的高结合能肩峰强度随着 X 射线照射时间的增加而增加,最终显示出一个与主峰相距约 1.5 eV 的 ...
南京邮电大学黄维院士、仪明东教授《AM》:分子介导策略,助 …
2023年9月7日 · 该器件以可溶液加工的有机聚合物聚(N-乙烯基咔唑) (PVK)和强电子受体7,7,8,8-四氰基对苯二醌二甲烷(TCNQ)构成的体异质结为忆阻功能层材料,创新性地引入具有高迁移能力的银(Ag)和TCNQ分子之间高效的氧化还原配位反应,且在电场作用下可通过金属离 …
Investigation of sodium insertion into tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ ...
2015年11月2日 · We exposed TCNQ thin films subsequent to sodium vapour and monitored the electronic structure by surface sensitive X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and ultra-violet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS). This approach has been successfully employed by us previously to study alkali insertion into inorganic materials 17 and organic materials. 11,18
in-situ synchrotron-based photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). XPS and XAS results demonstrate convincingly that V3+ species of sputtered VO2 are oxidized into the V4+ and simultaneously negative molecular
XPS spectra of the PEBAX-1657/AgNPs and PEBAX-1657/AgNPs/TCNQ …
When PEBAX-1657/Ag nanoparticle composites with TCNQ were used as polymer membranes, they showed separation performance such as selectivity of 12.7 and permeance of 10.2 GPU [14].
High-performance electrochemical glucose sensing enabled by Cu (TCNQ ...
2018年2月14日 · The XPS pattern of the Cu (TCNQ) NA/CF reveals the presence of Cu and N elements. The strong peak of N1s at 398.3 eV appears as a single feature (figure 1 (e)) and proved that there is only one type TCNQ [20].
Study of the electronic structure of electron accepting cyano-films ...
The substrate to TCNQ film electron transfer is accompanied by an XPS peak shift toward higher binding energies in both C1s and N1s spectra. This progressive XPS peak shift is indicative of a band bending in the TCNQ –film interface.
Stable and controlled amphoteric doping by encapsulation of …
2003年9月7日 · From an XPS measurement on the film, we estimated the composition of TCNQ molecules from the relative intensity of C (1 s) and N (1 s) peaks.
Study of a new organic semiconductor based on
The spectroscopic properties of Ag-phen-TCNQ, a new organic semiconductor obtained by means of a charge transfer reaction involving silver as the electron donor, TCNQ as the acceptor and the etero-aromatic ligand 1,10 phenanthraline (phen), are investigated by means of absorption measurements in the IR-VIS-UV range and X-Ray Photoelectron ...
Photo-generation of hole dominated selective ... - ScienceDirect
2025年1月15日 · The 10 wt% TCNQ modified BiOIO 3 (10TCNQ/BiOIO 3) photocatalytic system rapidly degraded highly hydrophobic bisphenol A (BPA) and ibuprofen (IB) among eight organics and revealed a low correlation with ionization potential. TCNQ as an electron donor combined with BiOIO 3 improved the visible light absorption and accelerated the charge separation.
Boosting the cyclability of tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ) as …
2021年12月1日 · In this work, Al3+ salt is added in a Na 2 SO 4 /ZnSO 4 aqueous electrolyte to stabilize the crystalline structure of TCNQ and depress its solubility. Surprisingly, we found the insertion/extraction of high valent cations (Al3+ and Zn 2+) in TCNQ is highly reversible, which leads to synergistic improvement of both specific capacity and cycle life.