TCRN - Trauma Certified Registered Nurse Certification | BCEN
From injury prevention education to prehospital and acute care to rehabilitation, the Trauma Certified Registered Nurse (TCRN) validates your mastery across the trauma care continuum. Pursue excellence.
TCRN Frequently Asked Questions - BCEN
The TCRN exam consists of 175 items (150 scored and 25 unscored pretest items). How are the exams scored? Your exam score is based on your performance on the exam, i.e., based on the number of exam items answered correctly (raw score).
About the TCRN Exam - BCEN
The TCRN exam is for nurses practicing across the continuum of trauma care who want to demonstrate their expertise and knowledge in trauma nursing. BCEN is the only source for trauma care nurses and their employers to gain recognized …
The Trauma Certified Registered Nurse Process | BCEN
Click Create New Application next to the TCRN logo to open it. Consider applying with BCEN Test Assurance, an optional program allowing initial exam takers a second attempt to pass their BCEN certification exam in the event of an unsuccessful first attempt.
The Trauma Certified Registered Nurse Process - BCEN
The CEN®, CFRN®, CPEN®, CTRN®, and TCRN® certification programs are accredited by the Accreditation Board for Specialty Nursing Certification (ABSNC).
How to Renew Your CEN, CFRN, CPEN, CTRN, or TCRN
You must hold a current BCEN certification (CEN, CFRN, CPEN, CTRN or TCRN) in the program you wish to recertify. You must have a current, unrestricted Registered Nurse license, or a nursing certificate that is equivalent to a Registered Nurse in either the United States, a US Territory, Canada or Australia.
How to Study for the TCRN Exam | BCEN
At BCEN, we have numerous ways to help you study for your TCRN certification. Read tips and find tools for helping you pass your exam.
Apply for the TCRN Exam | BCEN
It’s time to set your career in motion and achieve more than you thought possible. Learn how to apply for and schedule your TCRN exam.
Trauma Certified Registered Nurse (TCRN) Examination Content Outline . Total items. 1. Clinical Practice: Head and Neck 33 A. Neurologic trauma; 1. Traumatic brain injuries 2. Spinal cord injuries; B. Maxillofacial and neck trauma; 1. Facial fractures 2. Ocular trauma 3. Neck trauma; 2. Clinical Practice: Trunk 37
In Pursuit of Excellence: The Trauma Certified Registered Nurse …
2019年5月1日 · Early this year, the Board of Certification for Emergency Nursing (BCEN®) achieved a major milestone—the accreditation of the Trauma Certified Registered Nurse (TCRN®) certification program by the Accreditation Board for …