On 9 March 2023, the Commission adopted the Communication on the Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework for State aid measures to support the economy following the aggression …
The 13th TCTF meeting was held with an aim to take stock of the achievements and challenges in 2022, and to set the frame and announce the calendar of activities of the Technical committee …
Green Lanes Steering Committee Meeting. 1. 7. th. Technical Committee on transport facilitation. back -to - back with . Green Mobility Summit. 6. June 2024. Sarajevo, Bosnia. and Herzegovina
Draft TCTF Guidelines for Remote Calibration Preamble "Remote calibration" is a technology which has been employed for a number of years in several areas of calibration technology, …
(b) Typhoon Committee Trust Fund (TCTF) The Committee reviewed the statement of account of TCTF for the period of 1 January to 31 December 2007 and the provisional statement for 1 …
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MGFÜ - Főoldal
A pályázó/támogatást igénylő jogosult az ideiglenes átmeneti- és válságkeret (TCTF) támogatásra? A válságtámogatás kizárólag olyan vállalkozásoknak nyújtható, amelyek …
Addendum TCTF 2.1. DA ALLEGARE AD INTEGRAZIONE DEL MODULO DI DOMANDA AGEVOLAZIONE. M. odifica del regime d’aiuto. ai sensi . degli “Aiuti di importo limitato (punto …
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2018-2020年担任亚太计量规划组织(APMP)时间频率技术委员会测量能力互认协调工作组(TCTF MRA)负责人,2020年至今担任国际计量局CCTF GNSS技术工作组成员;2021年至 …
2024年4月12日 · 12th Transport Facilitation Technical Committe meeting. Brussels (hotel Marivaux) 8.12.2022. 9.00-9.30. R. egistration of participants. and welcoming coffee. 9.30-9.4 ...
Overview of the country information. 26th August 2009. Table of Contents. Acknowledgements 3. Abbreviations 4. Executive summary 5
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