How to spot fake TDA7293 - diyAudio
2017年11月2日 · For example; building a stereo amplifier using the widely available ready made PCBs (7-aside) requires 14 TDA7293V. These cost £72.72 (incl. free delivery) from RS. By contrast buying the same 14 from a very reputable supplier on …
Power supply for tda7293 mono amp build - diyAudio
2021年4月20日 · I recently purchased 2 tda7293 boards and was wanting to build 2 mono block amplifiers with them. I also got two dual power rectifier boards also. Each one is 25v with four 3300uf caps on them with a dual input voltage at 9-17v.new to the amp building thing and been looking at the threads...
Tda7293v - diyAudio
2002年6月1日 · In parallel/bridged mode, the TDA7293V sounds very different. Transients seemed to be accentuated more than with the other amps. Details at the rear of the soundstage seemed more defined, but there also seemed to be more grain or a harder quality to the sound than with the STK4048XI bridged amp.
Tda7293v | Page 5 - diyAudio
2002年6月1日 · That's a lot better. The input cap, C1 should be, probably 1uF. The nfb-shunt-cap, C7 does not reach a valid figure when paired with 680R, so simply use 100uF and call it good (even so, that would work better if you at least tripled the 680R and 22K up to 1.8k and 68k, so that the feedback-shunt RC value is a lower pitch for better clearer bass).
Whic Chip is better? LM3886T or TDA7293v - diyAudio
2010年10月5日 · I want to build an amplifier for home. I shortlisted two chips LM3886T and TDA7293v/94/95. Can any one tell me which chip has better sound quality? their advantages and drawbacks? Also if you have any idea about "NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR - LM4780TA" Thanks.:confused:
TDA7293 versus LM3886 sound quality - diyAudio
2011年11月15日 · Greetings, Has anyone compared TDA7293 and LM3886 side-by-side with a pair of audiophile grade speakers? I am asking because LM3886 supposedly has lower levels of distortion. Is it really audible? Design and implementation complexity of both is about the same and has been compared in earlier...
TDA7293 TDA7294 TDA7293V TDA7294V without Zobel Network …
2012年9月6日 · I want to introduce an appropriate compensation network like a zobel network/boucherot network (for prevent damaged TDA7293V/TDA7294V) so as a serial network consist of a (maybe 20 winding) coil and resistor for a commercial active bandpass subwoofer. By a power module from a friend I note the...
Tda7293v | Page 2 - diyAudio
2002年6月1日 · Tda7293v . Tda7293v. Thread starter rljones; Start date 2002-06-01 1:22 am; Status Not open for further ...
TDA7293v Parrallel / Bridge Application Theory and Concepts
2004年5月21日 · Ok, so here's the deal. I love audio, and I recently came across this TDA7293v chip amp. I have lots of experience with lm3886 and I am also building a discrete amplifier from Anthony Holten's webpage, the AV800, nice amp! www.aussieamplifiers.com. Anyway my real question is this, does...
TDA7293V WTB in Sweden (Europe) - diyAudio
2003年1月20日 · Hi, Does anybody know where to order the TDA7293V from in Europe? RS-components and farnell don't sell it, I cannot find the chip at digi-key and mypioneer only delivers in the US and Canada. Also how much does this chip cost in the US? Thanx in advance.