Tektronix泰克TDS1002数字存储示波器60MHz 1GS/s - 知乎
泰克Tektronix TDS1002 数字存储示波器,带宽:60MHz、100 MHz、200 MHz ,取样速率可达2GS/s,2或4通道,四种捕获方式: 峰值检测 (12ns毛刺)、 采样 、 平均 、 单次
Tektronix 泰克 60MHz 1GS/s 双通道 TDS1002 数字存储示波器
Tektronix 泰克 TDS1002 数字存储示波器. 主要特点: 所有型号具有高级触发功能, 包括脉冲触发及可选场 (奇偶)选行的视频触发, 也包括外触发。 更简单的用户界面-最常用的功能都放在前面板,使用更加方便。 指标. 主要特性. 仪器使用规程. 仪器的供电: 1、使用3端电源线,检查确认地线接地. 2 、检查电压在仪器允许范围之内. 电压不稳时,应使用稳压器. 防静电保护: 1 、仪器应摆放在防静电工作台上. 2 、操作人员穿戴好防静电服, 防静电手环等. 3 、禁止用手直接接触射频端口 …
TDS1002数字示波器使用说明 - 道客巴巴
2016年8月20日 · 一、功能简介TDS1002 是Tektronix公司生产的1000系列数字存储示波器,具有双通道,60MH Z 带宽,1.0GS/s的取样速率,采数字示波器具有波形触发、存储、显示、测量、波形数据分析处理等独特优点。
Tektronix (泰克) TDS1002基础示波器 | Tektronix
Peak Detect - High frequency, and random glitch capture. Captures glitches as narrow as 12 ns (typical) using acquisition hardware at all time/div settings from 5 µs/div to 50 s/div. Single Sequence - Use the Single Sequence button to capture a single triggered acquisition sequence at …
TDS1000- and TDS2000-Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope
2002年1月30日 · This document is targeted to product users and explains operation and/or installation procedures. It may also provide information about features and functions, applications and troubleshooting. This manual applies to: TDS1002, TDS1012, TDS2002, TDS2012, TDS2014, TDS2022, TDS2024. Please Login/register to save starred items to Your Library. Login.
Oscilloscopes - Tektronix
The TDS1000 Series and TDS2000 Series digital storage oscilloscopes deliver an unbeatable combination of superior performance, unmatched ease-of-use, and affordability in an ultra lightweight, portable package. Unparalleled measurement accuracy with up to 200 MHz bandwidth and 2 GS/s maximum sample rate.
TDS1002 - TekWiki - w140.com
2024年2月7日 · The Tektronix TDS1002 is a dual-channel, 60 MHz, 1 GS/s digital scope with a monochrome LCD screen. An External trigger input on front, and the rear mounted optional TDS2MEM Communication Module provides a CompactFlash card slot, Centronics-type printer port, RS-232, and GPIB rear ports for convenient inter-connectivity.
Tektronix (泰克) TDS1002B基础示波器 | Tektronix
High-frequency and random glitch capture. Captures glitches as narrow as 12 ns (typical) at all time base settings from 5 μs/div to 50 s/div. Conventional level-driven trigger. Positive or negative slope on any channel. Coupling selections: AC, DC, Noise Reject, HF Reject, LF Reject. 我们提供专业的测量洞见信息,旨在帮助您提高绩效以及将各种可能性转化为现实。
These specifications supersede the corresponding specifications in the TDS1000 and TDS2000 series oscilloscope user manual. All specifications are relative to a 1X probe. To modify displayed NOTE Vertical values, change the Probe option attenuation (default is 10X) to match the probe. * Bandwidth reduced to 6 MHz with a 1X probe.
Test Equipment Solutions Ltd specialise in the second user sale, rental and distribution of quality test & measurement (T&M) equipment.
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