r/mbti on Reddit: Rational thinking and Extraverted Thinking(Te ...
2018年7月17日 · The Te-aux (especially INTJ I believe, not sure about ISTJ) paints a wrong picture that's gonna confuse you if you ever end up interacting with a real INTJ; Te is not …
How Would You Describe: Te? : r/mbti - Reddit
2016年8月21日 · Te makes it less blatant, more sanitized, since it does adhere to objective and factual categorizations which Te users expect anyone to understand. Feeling as you know, …
What does inferior Te look like? : r/mbti - Reddit
2016年4月7日 · Inferior Te could also be called “alternative facts” which IMO, completely describes many people who identify as libertarians or democrats. On top of that Fi dom with …
Ti vs Te : r/mbti - Reddit
2018年9月21日 · Ex 5: I thought my mbti was intp. But I read everywhere that your enneagram tritype had to kinda share traits with your mbti type. So I found this survey graph that …
Te vs. Ti? : r/mbti - Reddit
2022年4月11日 · Basically, Te's an extroverted judgement function, like Fe, while Ti is an introverted judgement function, like Fi. Like all extroverted processes, Je is more …
How would you describe Te + Fi people vs. Ti + Fe people? : …
2014年12月26日 · Fi/Te is more "Here's the truth - deal with it, or don't." Fi/Te wants you to understand the "spirit" of an idea, to grasp the underlying concept with less of an emphasis on …
Inquiry: How to distinguish Se from Te? : r/mbti - Reddit
Se observes that short fat people walk slower than tall fat people. Te: That is probably true, but maybe only for fat people. --> two days later Te reads that the first study is false, then the …
Te PolR examples? : r/mbti - Reddit
Te is defined somewhat (slightly) differently in MBTI than in socionics, to start with. But also, IxFJs in MBTI may not necessarily be xEIs in socionics; IxFJs are equally often ExIs in socionics (at …
Ti/Fe vs Te/Fi? : r/mbti - Reddit
2016年8月1日 · Well, the simplest way I can think of to differentiate Ti vs. Te and Fi vs. Fe is a combination of the breadth/depth and objective/subjective definitions. Ti is a combination of …
Ti Ne vs Ni Te : r/mbti - Reddit
2019年4月12日 · Personality hacker has some great podcasts on the differences between Te and Ti, as well as Ne and Ni. I thought Ti for a long time, and many aspects of the way they …