Understanting Te Taiao — Taiao Ora
Understanding Te Taiao, our Natural World. Te Taiao is the natural world that contains and surrounds us — the land, water, climate and living beings. It refers to the interconnection of people and nature.
Te Taiao | Nature - Te Papa
Explore Te Taiao | Nature in a new way with an interactive mobile guide. Take on challenges with Māui the adventurer, innovator, and shapeshifter and search for the unique animals and plants of Aotearoa New Zealand.
Taiao Ora
Taiao Ora is an independent, collaborative initiative to create a food and fibres sector that’s unique and valuable to Aotearoa New Zealand and the world. It weaves together traditional knowledge, modern science, and best practice to meet some of the most significant challenges and opportunities of our time.
Knowledge into Action for Te Taiao - WAI Wānaka
The ‘Knowledge into Action for Te Taiao’ pilot aims to acknowledge and uphold Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles of partnership, participation and protection. Our goal was to work collectively with farmers, researchers, growers, industry groups and our community and hoped to forge relationships with Tangata Whenua Hapū and Iwi of Kāi Tahu.
Te Taiao - Te Kahui Rau
Te Taiao encompasses everything that is 'growing and flowing' in our physical, metaphysical, temporal (past-present-future), and cultural spheres. All are intrinsically linked with biodiversity, whereby there is mauri, mana, tapu (sacred) and wairua (spirit). Te Taiao is a universal, local, and personal phenomenon.
Why Te Taiao Matters and the Supporting Role of Our Research
2020年7月27日 · We embrace the Māori concept of te Taiao, a deep relationship of respect and reciprocity with the natural world. The health of the climate, land, water and living systems comes first. And when nature thrives so do our families, communities and businesses.
Kia Kaha te Reo Taiao
Become familiar with Māori words and phrases you can use while you are out enjoying te taiao, the unique environment of Aotearoa. Te reo Māori, like so many of our other taonga in Aotearoa, is threatened. But, like the environment, with collective understanding, care and action the language will thrive.
Te Taiao – what is it? - Farmers Weekly
2020年7月10日 · Te Taiao – what is it? The Primary Sector Council has put forward a Te Taiao framework as New Zealand’s style of Origin Green, Ireland’s food and drink sustainability branding. Te Taiao is the Maori concept of the natural world, being whenua (land), wai (water), ahuarangi (climate) and koiora (living beings) and their inter-relationships.
Behind the scenes of Te Taiao | Nature - Te Papa
See how we made Te Taiao | Nature through a series of behind the scenes videos and articles. Collection Manager Antony Kusabs provides a behind-the-scenes glimpse into how we built the endemic wall – which includes 700 objects into one epic cabinet.
Kia Kaha te Reo Taiao posters and booklet
Kia Kaha te Reo Taiao posters and booklet These posters and booklet include te reo Māori and English words and phrases about the environment: Te Ao o Tangaroa – Marine, Wai Māori – Fresh Water, Te Wao Nui a Tāne – flora, Te Tini a Tāne - fauna