Cape Reinga - Wikipedia
Cape Reinga / Te Rerenga Wairua (/ ˈ r eɪ ŋ ə /; sometimes spelled Rēinga, Māori: Te Rerenga Wairua) [1] is the northwestern most tip of the Aupōuri Peninsula, at the northern end of the North Island of New Zealand. Cape Reinga is more than 100 km north of …
Wairua describes the capacity to have faith and to recognise the links between you and others and the world around you. It doesn’t necessarily mean having a religious belief, although this might be an important part of one’s spirituality. Spirituality is a broad term, but there are a number of common themes, as outlined in the table below.
wairua - Te Aka Māori Dictionary
1. (noun) spirit, soul - spirit of a person which exists beyond death. It is the non-physical spirit, distinct from the body and the mauri. To some, the wairua resides in the heart or mind of someone while others believe it is part of the whole person and is …
Ngā ara wairua: Spiritual pathways | He Paiaka Tōtara
Wairua has many different aspects. It’s not just about a god or gods. It’s a way of being, understanding, and connecting that’s very important in te ao Māori (the Māori world). It reflects Māori beliefs and practices connected to ira atua (the spiritual realm) and ira tangata (the physical realm), understanding tapu (sacred), and noa ...
Page 3. Spiritual concepts - Te Ara: The Encyclopedia of New …
Wairua. Wairua is the spirit of a person. Wairua can leave the body and go wandering. When a person dies it is their wairua which lives on. Traditionally Māori believed that when they died they would go to rarohenga (the underworld).
psychology is not necessary for wairua to have meaning, value and legitimacy for Māori, its fundamental role in well-being suggests greater understanding of wairua is essential for a more culturally relevant psychology – particularly within the bicultural milieu of Aotearoa New Zealand, which obliges a standard of cultural awareness.
Te Wairua Limited
Te Wairua limited is a family-owned business based in Hawke’s Bay with two other operational bases in Australia.
Te Rerenga Wairua – Traditional Māori religion – ngā karakia a te …
This map shows some of the key places spirits pass after death on their journey to Te Rēinga, according to Māori tradition. The pathway that they follow is known as Te Ara Wairua. Manawatāwhi means last breath, because spirits rise from the sea here to take one final look at their homeland before heading to the underworld.
Wairua - Te Korowai Aroha o Aotearoa
The wairua is the heartbeat, the core of Māori wellbeing. It has to be in balance with the tinana, hinengaro and ngākau in order for the person to be well. Click here to learn more
Karakia | Tukua te Wairua - Te Hou Ora Whānau Services
“Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi” “With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive”