TE50 Mode SIW Waveguide-Fed Yagi Antenna Array Operating at …
Abstract: This paper presents the design of a Yagi antenna array fed by a Substrate-Integrated Waveguide (SIW) in TE50 mode, specifically tailored for a frequency of 5.8 GHz. This study contributes to the advancement of Yagi antenna technology by introducing an innovative approach based on the utilization of SIW waveguide in TE50 mode.
A high-order TE50 mode waveguide with single mode …
2023年9月25日 · In this paper, an overmoded waveguide supporting the single mode propagation of TE 50 mode, is presented. Since TE 50 mode can be separated into five TE 10 modes with equi-amplitude and opposite phase properties, it is advisable to distribute the input signal flexibly and decrease the cascading of the T-junctions for the traditional feeding ...
Study of a Terahertz-Band Rectangular TE30/TE40/TE50 Mode …
2022年11月9日 · Terahertz-band (230–300 GHz) rectangular TE30/TE40/TE50 mode converters were optimized and 1 dB transmission bandwidths of 49.4, 32.5, and 29.0 GHz were obtained, respectively. Within these bandwidths, the port reflections were lower than −15 dB.
具有单模传输特性的高阶TE50模波导及其在缝隙阵列天线中的应 …
传统的阵列天线技术包含各种馈电网络,例如 t 形结功率分配器、分相器和巴伦。为了给相对较大的阵列供电,可以级联传统的t型结功率分配器,从而导致设计复杂性增加。本文提出了一种支持 te 50 模式单模传播的过调制波导。由于te 50 模式可以分为5种具有等幅反相特性的te 10 模式,因此 …
Schematic electric field distributions of the TE30, TE40, TE50 and …
Download scientific diagram | Schematic electric field distributions of the TE30, TE40, TE50 and TE60 waveguide modes. from publication: A high-order TE50 mode waveguide with single mode...
A high-order TE50 mode waveguide with single mode
2023年9月14日 · In this paper, an overmoded waveguide supporting the single mode propagation of TE50 mode, is presented. Since TE50 mode can be separated into 5 TE10 modes with equiamplitude and opposite...
A high-order TE 50 mode waveguide with single mode …
In this paper, an overmoded waveguide supporting the single mode propagation of TE 50 mode, is presented. Since TE<SUB>50</SUB> mode can be separated into five TE<SUB>10</SUB> modes with equi-amplitude and opposite phase properties, it is advisable to distribute the input signal flexibly and decrease the cascading of the T-junctions for the ...
TE50 mode. Specifically tailored for a frequency of 5.8 GHz, this configuration offers enhanced performance compared to conventional Yagi antennas. The novelty of this study lies in the utilization of the TE50 mode of the SIW, which simplifies the antenna structure, reduces manufacturing costs, and improves robustness to variations in
Conception et Optimisation d'un Réseau d’Antenne Yagi …
This master's thesis presents an in-depth study on the design, optimization, and characterization of an innovative Yagi antenna fed by a Substrate-Integrated Waveguide (SIW) operating in TE50 mode. Specifically tailored for a frequency of 5.8 GHz, this configuration offers enhanced performance compared to conventional Yagi antennas.
Wei Yuan's research works | Southeast University (China), …
In this paper, an overmoded waveguide supporting the single mode propagation of TE 50 mode is proposed. ... Reference: A high-order TE50 mode waveguide with single mode transmission...