How do you download packages for TeXworks on Windows 7?
I am using TeXworks on Windows 7 and I want to use the algorithmic package. However, when I try to include it it just says I need to download that package, but I can't figure out how to download it (TeXworks asks if you want to download it automatically, but that doesn't seem to work, because nothing visible happens)
How to use BibTex with TexWorks? - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange
Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
Add templates to TeXworks - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange
Restart TeXworks and it will appear in the "New File from Template" window. For the .sty file: navigate to C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex . Copy the .sty file to a new folder.
Can you get Vim to behave like TeXworks or vice versa?
2013年5月29日 · The fact that TeXworks automatically opens a pdf if available, and automatically tiles the editing and previewing windows for me saves a lot of time! However, TeXworks, as a text editor, simply isn't as powerful as Vim (I much prefer the console version over Gvim).
How to makeglossaries with TeXworks? - LaTeX Stack Exchange
2012年1月31日 · I was also looking for a way to make glossaries work with TeXworks (and XeLaTeX in my case). The short answer. You can define a new processing tool in TeXworks by Edit > Preferences > Typesetting tab > Processing tools. Click on the + to give it a name like “makeglossaries”.
TeXworks: How to add a word to the spell checker dictionary?
2011年3月11日 · TeXworks uses a spell checker called Hunspell, an engine which is also used e.g. by OpenOffice: Each dictionary consists of two files with the extensions .dic and .aff . Where these are located depends on your TeXworks installation, on my system (TeX Live 2010, Windows), they are in the directory
Problem with umlaut in Texworks - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange
I finally figured out that the problem is that I am editing using TeXworks under Windows. In TeXworks, if I type a double quote, the TeXworks editor automatically replaces a double quote with two single quotes, which causes the problem. The solution is to reset this feature in the TeXworks editor. Inside TeXworks, click on Edit, then Preferences.
Package documentation in TeXworks - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange
2017年10月10日 · In TeXworks, choose Scripts --> Scripting TeXworks --> Reload scripts folder. If you now look in the Scripts-menu again, there should be an entry packageHelp (as in the image above). You need to allow scripts access to running system commands via Edit --> Preferences --> Scripting, checking the box for "Allow scripts to run system commands":
Typesetting option that includes makeindex (TeX Live, TeXworks)
The pdfLaTeX + Makeindex + BibTeX option in MiKTeX TeXWorks calls a MiKTeX-only command-line tool called texify (manual pages). There are several tools that do (nearly) the same thing, such as latexmk , rubber and arara .
Auto Completion in TeXworks - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange
2018年3月22日 · The way TeXworks' autocompletion works, is that you type the first few letters of a given pattern, and then hit the Tab-key one or more times. For example if I type bal and hit Tab , I get \begin{align} \end{align}•