BBR Motorsport - BBR Motorsport
Le Team BBR Motorsport termine 3e du W2RC. C’est le seul team privé français à avoir fait l’intégralité du Championnat du monde. L’ambition du Team BBR Motorsport : gagner le Championnat du monde et le Dakar (encore !)
BBR Motorsport - Facebook
Another great day for the BBR Team, with all cars finishing in the TOP 5! 🙌🏼 Now fully ready for the marathon stage! The fastest of the day earn a well-deserved medal @yasir_saidan …
Profile of PAU NAVARRO - TEAM BBR - Dakar - Dakar Rally
Pau Navarro es una de las jóvenes promesas de los rally raid internacionales y pertenece a esa nueva hornada que llega con ganas de plantar cara a los mejores de la especialidad. Tal es así que Red Bull le ha fichado para su selecto grupo de pilotos para el Rally Dakar y el Mundial de Rally Raid (W2RC) 2025.
Profile of YASIR SEAIDAN - TEAM BBR - Dakar - Dakar Rally
Part of the very competitive MMP team for the second consecutive year, Seaidan enjoyed the help of another Metge in 2024: Michael, Adrien’s brother. They will both be going one step up and fighting for victory in the Challenger class (T3) on this …
Profile of DANIA AKEEL - TEAM BBR - Dakar - Dakar Rally
For her debut on the Dakar in 2022, the Jeddah native managed the performance to finish in the Top 10 in T3 class (8th). It didn’t go quite as well the following year (2023) suffering a massive set back on day 4 that prevented her from bettering her overall position (28 th).
Profile of Nicolas CAVIGLIASSO - Team BBR
Nicolás Cavigliasso and Valentina Pertegarini have just completed a successful season, with ‘Valen’ winning the Co-drivers’ Championship in the Challenger Category - the first woman to win a rally-raid crown - and “Nico” finishing runner-up in the drivers’ category.
Profile of Pau NAVARRO - TEAM BBR
Pau Navarro es una de las jóvenes promesas de los rally raid internacionales y pertenece a esa nueva hornada que llega con ganas de plantar cara a los mejores de la especialidad. Tal es así que Red Bull le ha fichado para su selecto grupo de pilotos para el Rally Dakar y el Mundial de Rally Raid (W2RC) 2025.
Team BBR - Facebook
Team BBR. 593 likes · 7 talking about this. Like the page to follow the progress of our 106 GTi and 306 GTi-6 with a twist. Both will be used for competing in events in the near future as well as...
Qui sommes-nous ? - BBR Motorsport
Depuis 6 ans et sa première participation au Dakar, BBR Motorsport est devenue une société qui prépare, exploite des véhicules et accompagne des équipages sur les épreuves tout terrain avec toute l’assistance nécessaire à ces courses en terrain varié et aux conditions souvent difficiles.
Profile of Dania AKEEL - TEAM BBR
For her fourth Dakar, Akeel will be part of the BBR team driving a very competitive Taurus and dreams of making it on the final podium.