Team UDV (UD VESSUWAN) Dota 2, roster, matches, statistics
Form Ranking Stability Carry Mid Offlane Support Aggression LainingUDV Roster: BeeBie, Fearless, KNP, Boombui, LionaX
UD Vessuwan - Liquipedia Dota 2 Wiki
2023年9月6日 · UD Vessuwan is an esports team based in Thailand.
战队 UDV (UD VESSUWAN) Dota 2, 成员,奖项,比赛,数据统计
指数 排行榜 稳定性 Carry Mid Offlane Support 骚扰 对线UDV 成员 : BeeBie, Fearless, KNP, Boombui, LionaX
UD Vessuwan Dota 2 (UDV) Team Overview and Viewers Statistics …
UD Vessuwan Dota 2 Detailed information about UDV Dota 2 esports team stats - top tournaments and matches, viewership stats, and more
UD Vessuwan (UDV) - Dota 2 Team Profile - Ensigame
2023年9月5日 · Discover the Dota 2 team UD Vessuwan (UDV) on Ensigame. Check out their team profile, player roster, recent matches, statistics, and latest news
Team UDV (UD VESSUWAN) Dota 2 - game-tournaments.com
2023年9月4日 · Information about UD VESSUWAN Dota 2. UDV statistics, roster and history.
UD VESSUWAN - Summary - DOTABUFF - Dota 2 Stats
UDV Team Tag 2020-10-25 Founded 208-164 Record 55.91% Win Rate Overview Series Players
UDV - team roster, matches, statistics — Escorenews
Team UD VESSUWAN did not earn any rating points. Not enough data to compile statistics for the UD VESSUWAN. No matches found.
UD Vessuwan (UDV) - Team | joinDOTA.com
2023年9月4日 · No matches in the last 10 monthsboombell85721818168128
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