APO180FL F/7 - telescopengineering.com
Our largest portable refractor, the APO180FL F/7 allows the observer to delve deep into the beauty of space. The APO180FL F/7 features an oil-spaced apochromatic-triplet objective with a Fluorite (CaF2) middle element, resulting in color correction that …
Telescope Engineering Company (TEC) | APO180FL F/7 - Cloud …
The TEC APO180FL F/7 is the pinnacle of apochromatic refractor design. Arguably one of the largest portable APO refractors, the APO180FL will give you jaw-dropping views and breath-taking images. If you are looking for the very best in apochromatic refractors, look no further than Telescope Engineering Company.
Telescope Engineering TEC180 180mm F7 Triplet Refractor
Our largest portable refractor, the APO180FL F/7 allows the observer to delve deep into the beauty of space. The APO180FL F/7 features an oil-spaced apochromatic-triplet objective with a Fluorite (CaF2) middle element, resulting in color correction that …
TEC 180 FL Review - Refractors - Cloudy Nights
2011年6月8日 · Can anyone provide any visual reviews on the TEC 180FL ? Is it just very good on planets , double stars and the Moon ? How does it begin to perform on DSO's ? How does it compare to other scopes ? Thank You for your input
TEC 160FL Vs. TEC 180FL - Refractors - Cloudy Nights
2011年5月27日 · The price difference is $12,500 for TEC 160FL vs. $19,000 for TEC 180 FL . The 160FL is more portable but is the TEC 180FL going to provide the wow factor when you view through it versus the the TEC 160 ?
TEC APO 180 f/7 Fluorite Apochromat - English - Baader …
This Reducer/Corrector reduces the focal length of the 180 FL from 1.260 mm to 900 mm and gives you a focal ratio of f/5. For a full frame camera (24 x 36 mm), this results in a field of view of 1.5 x 2.3 degree at an image circle of 50 mm, diffraction limited and free of vignetting.
APO180FL f/7 180mm Optical Tube Assembly - Telescopes
APO180FL F/7 – Revered for its widespread acclaim, the APO180FL F/7 stands as TEC's most sizable portable telescope, seamlessly fitting within any car and effortlessly manageable for singular installation onto a mount. It upholds the exceptional color correction found in the APO160FL, ensuring an unyielding visual experience.
Telescope Engineering TEC APO 180 FL Apo Refractor
It could be counted as largest portable telescope. It fits in any car and could be lifted and installed on the mount by one person. Same excellent color correction as in APO160FL. TUBE RINGS NOT INCLUDED. S/H TO BE DETERMINED. CLEAR APERTURE: 180mm. FOCAL LENGTH: 1260mm. FOCAL RATIO: F/7.0. RESOULTION (THEORETICAL): 0.66 arc sec.
TEC 180 F7 CaF2 Fluorite APO Refractor inc Rings - 3.5" Focuser
The TEC 180 is probably the largest size of refractor that can be counted as portable. It will fit into most cars and can be lifted onto a mount by one person. A further develiopment of the 160, the 180 continues the use of Calcium Fluorite Crystal in an oil filled triplet design resulting in outstanding light transmission and colour correction
TEC 180 fl - Refractors - Cloudy Nights
2011年9月26日 · Basically brightness and image scale are easier to atain, to the point where you can either see detail in the 180 whereas you could'nt see it in the 160, or see it easier in the 180, most globular clusters easily resolve to their core. The …