GitHub - MarkJelic/TEC-1G: The new incarnation of the 40 year …
TEC-1G - A Z80 based single board computer. The TEC-1G is a direct descendant of the Talking Electronics Computer, known as the TEC-1, which was first published by the Australian …
TEC-1G/Documentation/Assembly/Readme.md at main - GitHub
The following is a compiled set of instructions for assembling the TEC-1G, along with tests you should do along the way to ensure you have a successful build. Building the 1G is not …
The Different Parameterizations of the GEE1 and the GEE2
The purpose of this paper is to give a systematic presentation of the various Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE) approaches. They can be derived by using the Pseudo Maximum …
广义估计方程GEE1与纵向资料的回归分析 - 百度学术
摘要: 广义估计方程GEEs是近年国际发展起来的热门统计方法,代表了纵向资料统计模型研究上的一个重要突破.本文详细介绍GEE1 (方程1)的产生背景,基本原理,程序操作及应用,以利于GEE1 …
<br>使用 GLMM、GEE1、GEE2 和 QIF 分析整群随机对照试验: …
Analysing cluster randomised controlled trials using GLMM, GEE1, GEE2, and QIF: results from four case studies Using four case studies, we aim to provide practical guidance and …
The geeglm function fits generalized estimating equations using the ’geese.fit’ function of the ’geep-ack’ package for doing the actual computations. geeglm has a syntax similar to glm and …
2024年8月22日 · 包括发电和储能设备(以及常规、热电联产、核能、分布式或可再生能源、中央站和电网连接)的研究、开发、设计、应用、施工、安装、运行、分析和控制。 范围还包括 …
2023年10月16日 · 本文介绍了如何使用Google Earth Engine (GEE)获取并处理MODIS MOD13Q1的NDVI数据,同时展示了如何获取LAI和NPP等生态指标。 通过逐月生成和可视 …
Some properties of regression estimators in GEE models for …
2008年3月15日 · In this paper we study some properties of the estimators of marginal mean parameters in the context of the GEE1 approach of Heagerty and Zeger (1996) for ordinal …
TEC-1G/README.md at main · MarkJelic/TEC-1G · GitHub
TEC-1G - A Z80 based single board computer. The TEC-1G is a direct descendant of the Talking Electronics Computer, known as the TEC-1, which was first published by the Australian …