0001200 TECH 6 HYBRID DC/DCC SYSTEM - Model Rectifier …
MRC Tech 6 can operate locos that are not decoder equipped and they run on DC power just like you have been doing with your power pack. Get precise throttle control, momentum (adjustable, but we will get to this later) and forward and reverse control.
id Tech 6 - Wikipedia
id Tech 6 is a multiplatform game engine developed by id Software. It is the successor to id Tech 5 and was first used to create the 2016 video game Doom. Internally, the development team also used the codename id Tech 666 to refer to the engine. [1] The PC version of the engine is based on Vulkan API and OpenGL API.
什么困难导致 id Software 的 Tech 6 研发7年还没出来? - 知乎
首先纠正一点,id tech 6不是ray tracing,是ray casting。 按照现有资料,他们的做法是在sparse voxel octree上做ray casting。 理论上效果会比cone tracing精细,但没有tracing的话indirect lighting出不来,再精细也不好看。
id Tech 6 - The Doom Wiki at DoomWiki.org
The id Tech 6 game engine, also referred to as id Tech 666 by id Software developers, is a technological successor of the id Tech 5 engine which powered id Software's Rage and several ZeniMax Media internal developers' games. It powers the 2016 game initially titled Doom 4, and finally known simply as Doom.
MRC #0001203 TECH 6 Hand Held - TrainWorld
The Tech 6 Handheld plugs into the Tech 6 Sound Controller to give you the freedom to walk around your layout while operating your trains. It also permits the control of up to 6 decoder-equipped locomotives from this one handheld. Optional extension plates (item #0001501) can add extended range by wiring them around your layout.
MRC #0001200 TECH 6 SOUND CONTROLLER 2.0 - TrainWorld
Add a walkaround throttle (Tech 6 Walkaround) that gives you mobility and the ability to run up to 6 locos on the track at the same time. Simply hit the P button and the # 1 key for the first loco you put on the track.
Model Rectifier Corp (MRC) 1200 - Tech 6 Sound Controller
Our Tech 6 Unit can operate either a standard loco or a decoder equipped loco…and more. MRC Tech 6 can operate locos that are not decoder equipped and they run on DC power just like you have been doing with your power pack. Get precise throttle control, momentum (adjustable, but we will get to this later) and forward and reverse control.
MRC Tech 6 DC Sound Controller 2.0 Throttle -- 2 Amps
The Tech 6 operates as a normal DC power pack. It is also a sound controller that can operate all the sounds in your loco if it contains an N.M.R.A. DCC sound decoder. The Tech 6 has two modes of operation. Standard DC for non-decoder equipped locos - OR - Dual for DCC (NMRA compatible) sound and non-sound equipped locos
MRC Tech 6 Sound Controller - 0001200 for sale online - eBay
This is an MRC 0001200 HO/N/Z Tech 6 Sound Controller 2.0. MRC Tech 6 can operate locos that are not decoder equipped and they run on DC power just like you have been doing with your power pack. Get precise throttle control, momentum (adjustable, but we will get to this later) and forward and reverse control.
TECH6 | Consultoria especializada em CRM, BI e CPM
A Tech6 Group oferece uma gama de softwares SaaS e on-premises que abrangem desde Planejamento Econômico-Financeiro até Gestão de Recursos Humanos. Nossas soluções …