The Spring 2019 CS Junior Design Capstone Expo: a Recap and
2019年5月6日 · This is the seventh part in a series on the intersections of technical communication in the tech industry and the academy. Read the series introduction here. Recently the College of Computing and the School of Literature, Media, and Communication (LMC) sponsored the Spring 2019 Computer Science Junior Design Capstone Expo.... Continue reading
Intersections of Tech Comm in the Tech Industry and Classroom
2018年11月5日 · To foster cross-disciplinary and cross-industry access to the series, related articles will be co-published on TECHStyle and on KellyAnn’s RedMonk blog. View all posts by Kelly Ann Fitzpatrick → Tagged computational media , computer science , digital pedagogy , industry , multimodal communication , teaching , technical communication ...
TECHStyle - A forum for multimodal pedagogy and research by …
Anxious campesina grasping peaceful power, struggling. Rocio Soto, fourth-year undergraduate, LMC major Educators and scholars lead stressful personal and professional lives, and, knowing that, we at TECHStyle wanted to create a space for self-expression in addition to our usual scholarly and pedagogical fare. To achieve this goal in an ...
Overcoming (My) Attitude: Creativity, the Common First Week
2020年9月11日 · Every semester in English 1101/1102 courses at Georgia Tech, the first artifact students complete is a programmatically standardized assignment with many names—the Common First Week video (also known as the Multimodal Reflective Video Assignment or …
Bodies and Body Language: How Poetry Can Teach Us to
2017年5月22日 · Listen to poet Mark Doty read “In Two Seconds: Tamir Rice, 2002-2014.” Having spent the semester studying embodiment and the ways in which we, as readers of the world around us, react to the ways that bodies communicate, students showed a keen ability to articulate the ways in which Doty’s body language and vocal intonation enhanced his message.
Untouchable E-Books: Mulk Raj Anand, Modernism, and …
2013年8月21日 · The project provided students with a means of engaging transnational modernism. Untouchable introduces the complex ethical issues at stake in the caste system, as Jessica Berman argues in Modernist Commitments: Ethics, Politics, and Transnational Modernism, and can allow students to gain broader, global understanding of modernism.
Theatrical Training in the Multimodal Composition Classroom
2014年3月18日 · Below, I’d like to explain to interested TECHStyle readers some of the exercises my students and I do and why we do them. Even if you don’t teach oral/nonverbal communication, or indeed any kind of composition, you may gain something from my post, as I think my methods carry over well into the literature classroom and even into other ...
The Doubleplusgoodspeak of Newspeak: Poetry and Orwell’s 1984 …
2017年4月20日 · Two days after President Trump’s inauguration, on January 22, 2017, the newly-minted Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway appeared on NBC’s Meet the Press with Chuck Todd.
Framing Media Studies: Teaching Cinematic Style, Part I - TECHStyle
2013年12月3日 · As teachers of multimodal/WOVEN artifacts, we naturally understand how to teach students how to arrange images for effective designs in posters, presentations, infographics, and other visual mediums. Despite having experience in visual rhetoric, some teachers express difficulty in how to approach teaching film. In this spirit, with our brief series on film form, we want to take the opportunity ...
Telling Stories, Building Community: “This I Believe ... - TECHStyle
2013年10月4日 · In the spring of 2011, Georgia Tech started a “This I Believe” project in partnership with the Writing and Communication Program. The campus reading series and student contest are unofficial off-shoots of a popular radio series, originally hosted by Edward R. Murrow in the 1950s, and then resuscitated on NPR... Continue reading