TK-500 - TK-500 - TecoUS
Closed loop temperature control system with an extremely tight differential of 1°C. Displays in °F or °C, and audible alarms for certain situations. A solid and durable structure designed to …
- 评论数: 3
[開箱]東元TECO TK500冷水機(水族用) - Mobile01
2015年5月9日 · teco(非台灣東元) tk500屬於tk系列中低階款,依台灣習慣這台是1/6hp的,本體重量16.5kg 熱轉換效率較上一代tr系列高了10~25%。 目前市面上較好的水族用水冷機cop約1.6 …
Chillers - TecoUS
Chiller + Heater for standard systems & aquariums up to 500 gallons The new TANK® chiller line is the next generation of TECO's flags..
HY-500 - HY-500 - TECO'ponics
Intuitive controller with accurate temperature detection from 60.8°F to 71.6°F. Closed loop temperature control system with an extremely tight differential of 1°C. Displays in °F or °C, and …
Teco Tank TK-500 Aquarium Chiller - Aquarium Specialty
Internationally-recognized high-end compressors and titanium coaxial heat exchangers provide high performance, low energy consumption and low noise levels. Digital Thermostat. Intuitive …
- 评论数: 1
TK 500/H - tecoonline
The exclusive use of high-quality and internationally accepted and of the titanium heat exchanger, ensures high performance and low energy consumption. The set of technologies used allow …
【透明度】TECO S.r.l TANK 環保節能冷卻機 TK-500 1/6 HP【一台 …
新的teco chiller only型號500、1000和2000冷水機以久經考驗的碳氫化合物製冷劑壓縮機為中心,採用r290冷卻劑,可將能耗降低30%至50%,從而輕鬆超越傳統壓縮機。 此外,r290的環 …
TECO TK-500 Aquarium Chiller | upto 450Ltr - Aqua Zones
TECO TK-500 Aquarium Chiller. for small systems & aquariums up to 120 gallons (450 Ltr) Suitable upto 4 Ft X 2 Ft x 2 Ft Tank. The new TANK® chiller line is the next generation of …
TECO TK-500 Aquarium Chiller - Aquabiotech INC. Canada
TECO TK-500 Aquarium Chiller from the new TANK® chiller line is the next generation of TECO’s flagship SeaChill™ aquarium chillers Used by consumers and professionals for over a decade. …
Teco TK500 Aquarium Chiller - myaquaticsolutions.com
Intuitive controller with accurate temperature detection from 32 to 95°F. Closed loop temperature control system with an extremely tight differential of 1°F. Displays in °F or °C, and audible …