It became the country's first manufactury of architectural terracotta in 1889. The production consisted of drain tile, brick, chimney tops, finials, urns, and other economically fireproof …
2024年9月7日 · Teco Pottery was founded as the American Terra Cotta Tile and Ceramic Company in 1881, near Chicago, in Terra Cotta, Illinois, by William Day Gates. The name teco …
Teco Pottery was born out of the American Terra Cotta Tile and Ceramic Company established in Terra Cotta, Illinois by William Day Gates in 1881. The company produced fireproof building …
Teco, or the Terra Cotta Tile & Ceramic Company, founded by William Day Gates in 1881, were the first major manufacturer of architecturally-focused terra cotta — their practical lines of tile, …
Teco Pottery, an Illinois-based company, was started in 1885 by William Day Gates. Teco, named for the first two letters in terra and cotta, is known for its signature micro-crystalline matte …
Most of the forms were created and designed by Gates himself, but also artists, sculptors, and architects including at least one by Frank Lloyd Wright. Many glaze colors were used. …
2007年6月8日 · What's the story with Teco? A. Teco is art pottery that was made in Terra Cotta (now Crystal Lake), Illinois, from the late 1800s to the early 1920s. The name comes from the...