Teddy Bear Repair by Mar-Ke Mohair
Specializing in the cleaning, repair and restoration of quality mohair teddy bears and other animals such as: Steiff, Hermann, Merrythought, and many more! Though we focus on these collectible brands, we work on most types of plush toys (however, I do not work on dolls).
Our Process - teddy bear repair
Discover our meticulous teddy bear repair process, designed to restore cherished stuffed animals to their former glory. From gentle cleaning and fabric repair to re-stitching and fluff restoration, Teddy Bear Repair brings memories back to life with expert craftsmanship and care.
About Us - teddy bear repair
Learn about Teddy Bear Repair, experts in stuffed animal and plush toy restoration. We bring your treasured toys back to life with skillful repairs and delicate restoration services.
Before & Afters - teddy bear repair
Discover how our expert teddy bear repair service has restored cherished plush toys and heirloom teddy bears. Our “Before and After” gallery showcases the incredible transformations we’ve achieved for our clients.
Common Questions — Teddy Bear Repair by Mar-Ke Mohair
Find answers to all your questions about teddy bear and stuffed animal repair. Learn about our plush restoration process, costs, timelines, and how to send your treasured toy for repair.
Contact — Teddy Bear Repair by Mar-Ke Mohair
Get in touch for expert teddy bear and stuffed animal restoration services. From stitching to cleaning, we bring beloved childhood friends back to life with professional care. Contact us today to revive your cherished plush companions!
Articles | Mar-Ke Mohair
“Teddy arrived yesterday and I was absolutely thrilled when I saw him! I don’t know how you managed to do this, but he actually feels softer than he did when I first purchased him…and he smells fresher, too! Thanks so very much for all your help.” Deanna W.
101_1838 | Mar-Ke Mohair - teddybearrepair.com
Teddy Bear and Stuffed Toy Repair by Mar-Ke Mohair → 101_1838 Image Data. Dimensions: 1459px × 2137px: Camera: KODAK DX6490 ZOOM DIGITAL CAMERA: Date Taken: Thursday, October 20, 2005, 3:16 pm: Aperture: f/3.2: Focal Length: 9.3mm: Shutter Speed: 0.02 sec: Leave a Reply Cancel reply.
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Write Us. Mar-Ke Mohair 14440 Aldengate Rd. Midlothian, VA 23114-6505
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What information do we collect? We collect information from you when you fill out a form. When ordering or registering on our site, as appropriate, you may be asked to enter your: name, e-mail address or phone number.