DuPont™ Tedlar® PVF film is strong, flexible and fatigue-resistant. Its resistance to failure by flexing is outstanding. Tedlar® performs well in temperatures ranging from approximately -72 to 107°C (-98 to 225°F), with intermittent short-term peaking up to 204°C (400°F).
DuPont™ Tedlar® Provides Superior Surface Protection for …
Tedlar® is a highly versatile polyvinyl fluoride (PVF) film that provides a long-lasting finish to a wide variety of surfaces. Proven applications, globally, for over 50 years including aerospace, healthcare, building & construction and more.
Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) coatings crack when trying to achieve extreme bends, but the elongation properties of Tedlar(R) film allow for unlimted designs. Only Tedlar® PVF film provides superior protection to steel! Tedlar® PVF film has excellent solvent resistance allowing it to withstand detergents and commercial grade cleaners.
Tedlar® PVF 薄膜 DuPont China
Tedlar® 透明膜能够阻隔99%以上的紫外线(290-370nm),可使基材表面的图案和花色长期保持其颜色鲜艳。Tedlar® PVF 薄膜均具有优异的耐候性、耐腐蚀性和耐化学性,适合各类环境应用。Tedlar® PVF 薄膜具有优异的延展性,易于加工弯折和成型。
Tedlar® PVF 材料建筑解决方案 DuPont China
Tedlar® PVF (POLYVINYL FLUORIDE) 是美国杜邦公司于20世纪40年代发明的聚氟乙烯材料,于1961年投入商业应用。 50多年来,它被广泛应用于航空航天、 建筑外墙和屋顶、太阳能电池组件、 户外广告及内饰表面保护等多个行业领域。 Tedlar® 主要以不同厚度的薄膜形式存在,可以复合在金属等多种材料表面。 Tedlar® 为建筑系统提供外饰和内饰整体的解决方案。 将Tedlar® 薄膜和不同基材覆合,可以组成多种产品, 用于建筑外饰的主要包括Tedlar® 覆膜金属板和Tedlar® …
杜邦™ Tedlar ® PVF 薄膜 - 全达塑料
100%美国进口Tedlar ® PVF 薄膜,宽度为 64 英寸(1625.6mm),并提供任何定制尺寸的分切和宽度低至 0.375 英寸(9.525mm)的倒卷。 这些薄膜有灰色、白色、透明、不透明和黄色可供选择。
杜邦™ Tedlar® PVF 透明薄膜 - DuPont
杜邦™ Tedlar® 透明薄膜可以提供保护,减少由紫外线、水汽和风沙磨损造成的 性能下降,并通过阻隔性能的最佳平衡来防止腐蚀。 凭借其易清洁、以及适应 严苛环境的耐久性,杜邦™ Tedlar® 透明薄膜旨在通过背板实现太阳能的最大发 电量,使双面光伏组件的 ...
DuPont™ Tedlar ® polyvinyl fluoride film provides durable, long-lasting protection to surfaces in a variety of applications including transportation, aerospace, building and construction, graphics and signage, and photovoltaics. Tedlar® film is strong and flexible, has good resistance to chemicals and aggressive cleaning agents, and has
DuPont™ Tedlar® PVF film - American Durafilm
With the ability to handle exposure to harsh environments, Tedlar ® is an outstanding protective film for applications like architectural substrates and, high-voltage electrical power situations. Tedlar ® offers long-lived gloss retention creating easy-to-clean surfaces.
2022年9月27日 · Tedlar ® PVF 具有出色的耐候性和持久的耐化学性,可有效抵御沿海自然环境造成的腐蚀并防止紫外线长时间照射引起的褪色和老化。 经过层层严格筛选,文化会议中心檐口位置最终采用了Tedlar ® PVF 涂层保护的铝蜂窝板,总面积约8000平方米。