2000 Acura NSX | The Fast and the Furious Wiki | Fandom
The 2000 Acura NSX is a minor car owned by Tej Parker in 2 Fast 2 Furious. This car appears parked in front of Tej's Garage when Brian and Roman go at testing their cars by Jimmy and discover that are GPS tracked.
Tej's Entire Fast & Furious Backstory Explained - Looper
2023年3月31日 · One of the first cars the character showed off in "2 Fast" was his Acura NSX with a custom paint job, reminiscent of a Louis Vuitton purse.
Fast & Furious: Every Car Driven By Tej In The Movies - Screen Rant
2021年7月31日 · Outside of the garage, Tej's brown and gold Acura NSX could be seen parked out front. It had a custom design similar to Louis Vuitton's purse pattern but with different initials. The 2002 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VII was the car that Brian primarily used while working undercover for Monica.
Tej Parker - The Fast and the Furious Wiki
Tej Parker is a technical expert, mechanic and former street racer.[1][2] Tej befriended Brian O'Conner, who allowed him to participate in races when he lived in Miami. Later, Tej became a member of Dominic Toretto's Crew when he is recruited by …
Acura Tej`s NSX 2000 - Car Town Wiki
The Acura Tej's NSX is a sports car that was originally produced between 1990 and 2005 by Japanese automaker Honda. It was equipped with a mid-engine, rear-wheel drive layout, powered by an all-aluminium V6 gasoline (petrol) engine featuring Honda's Variable Valve Timing and Lift Electronic Control (VTEC) system.
《速度与激情》主角座驾大盘点 - 搜狐
2021年5月31日 · 技术达人 极客Tej, 他的座驾是电子设备及强,又符合Tej人设的讴歌NSX。 讴歌NSX日本国宝级的跑车之一,拥有极佳工作效率与操控性能的超级跑车,上面是满满的黑科技。 全新讴歌NSX超级跑车将在未来三年内进行量产,预计售价在 289万人民币。 九.韩: 丰田 Supra. 令人惊喜的是此前已离开主线的漂移大师韩回归了,在过去的《东京漂移》中,韩驾驶的 马自达RX-7FORTUNE给人留下了深刻的印象。 这次,他带着他的新座驾, 全新一代的丰田Supra回来 …
性能车/超跑依旧阵容强大 速度与激情9车型盘点 - 知乎
在电影中,Tej就选择了有“东瀛法拉利”之称的讴歌NSX。 NSX是“New Sports eXperimental”的缩写,它不仅使讴歌进军了超跑领域,也是第一款敢与法拉利、保时捷等欧洲超跑叫板的日本超级跑车。
Brian's SVT Ford Lightning and Tej's NSX were two under-appreciated cars from the first movies.In this video, I shed a little more light on their backstories...
2018 Acura NSX | The Fast and the Furious Wiki | Fandom
The 2018 Acura NSX was a minor car featured in F9. It was driven by Roman Pearce. The car was given to Roman by Sean Boswell, Earl and Twinkie who help Dominic Toretto's Crew acquire cars and gear for their heist against Jakob, and Roman uses it …
Tej's 2000 Acura NSX / NFS Most Wanted - YouTube
2021年12月17日 · Tej's 2000 Acura NSX from 2 Fast 2 Furious in Need for Speed: Most WantedSubscribe, Comment, Share and Leave a like.Enjoy :)#NeedforSpeedMostWanted #NFSMW #N...
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