Pressure Mapping, Force Measurement, & Tactile Sensors | Tekscan
2025年3月6日 · Tekscan is your trusted partner for applied surface sensing, enabling impactful innovations that support critical missions around the globe.. Our patented force measurement, pressure mapping, and tactile sensing solutions provide you with actionable information to optimize your product designs or improve clinical and research outcomes. Our sensors and systems are used in a wide range of ...
Company | Tekscan
Tekscan's patented tactile force and pressure sensing solutions provide our customers with the actionable information they need to optimize product design and improve clinical and research outcomes. Our sensors and systems are used across a wide range of applications within test and measurement, medical, dental, and retail; as stand-alone solutions or …
Sensors for Pressure Mapping and Force Measurement - Tekscan
As the leader in thin-film interface pressure mapping and force sensing technology, Tekscan has grown an extensive portfolio of sensors for a nearly limitless variety of needs and applications in force and pressure measurement. Our catalog includes sensors for immediate purchase such as force sensors, position sensors, dental sensors, and pressure indicating film. We …
Tekscan 公司简介. Tekscan 薄膜压力分布测试系统的领导者,通过使用挠性薄膜感测片来测量两个接触面间的压力分布,辅以定制的数据采集器和软体分析工具,能够深入了解缝隙间的压力分布问题所在,优化产品设计、品质与生产等 。. I-Scan压力分布测量系统产品介绍. I-scan 系统是一套强大的压力分析 ...
欣佰特科技(北京)有限公司 - Tekscan触觉传感器
标准的Tekscan压力及触觉传感器由两片很薄的聚酯薄膜组成,其中一片薄膜内表面铺设若干行、另一片薄膜内表面铺设若干列的带状导体。 导体本身的宽度以及导体之间距离可以根据不同的测量需要而设计。
Tekscan专有的触觉力和压力传感解决方案为客户提供了优化产品设计并改善临床和研究成果所需的可操作信息。 Tekscan的传感器和系统广泛应用于测试和测量、医疗、牙科和零售领域;作为独立解决方案或嵌入式技术,以创造更好和差异化的产品。
Tekscan 压力测量系统:为电池“把脉“,精准守护全生命周期 - 知乎
Tekscan 压力测量系统具有良好的兼容性,可适配多种电池技术类型,包括传统的液态电解质锂离子电池、新兴的 硅基负极锂离子体系 、前沿的 固态电池架构 ,以及处于探索阶段的未来电池组件预研测试。为科研团队提供了突破技术瓶颈的有力工具,推动电池 ...
Tekscan 压力分布测量系统在电池行业的应用 - 知乎
Tekscan是一家专注于压力分布测量技术的公司,在电池领域致力于通过先进技术帮助工程师理解电池内部压力变化以优化设计和性能。 Tekscan压力分布测量系统凭借创新的 压力映射技术为电池行业带来突破,该系统利用高…
Tekscan的专利触觉测量和压力测绘解决方案为您提供可操作的信息,以优化您的产品设计或改善临床和研究成果。 我们的传感器和系统广泛应用于独立的解决方案或嵌入式技术﹐方便操作及准确量测的使用过程能帮助您创造更好更优质的产品。
I-Scan System | Pressure Mapping System | Tekscan
Tekscan I-Scan System Flyer. Not available for online purchase. Contact us for pricing. Versatile Pressure Mapping System. I-Scan™ is a powerful tool that accurately measures and analyzes interface pressure between two surfaces, utilizing a thin and flexible sensor. The system is comprised of data acquisition electronics, sensors, and software.