Best sounding 12AX7A/ECC83 & 12AT7/ECC81 tubes? Telefunken, …
2005年3月3日 · Telefunken 12at7s sound far and away the best of all of them, in my system. Precise without being edgy. RCAs are very underrated, IMO. Given that there's no best tube for every application, I'd recommend trying some RCA 12ax7s or better 7025s before laying out big moolah for Teles or Mullards, without hearing them first.
Best sounding 12AX7A/ECC83 & 12AT7/ECC81 tubes? Telefunken, …
2005年3月3日 · The Telefunken Ribbed and/or Smooth plates were the best for me in both vintage and new situations and here is why: I had a CD, the Capitol "Collector's Series" DEAN MARTIN disk. I (for no particular reason) was using Ron's nice three-track remix of "On An Evening In Roma" as a test song with my old VAC gigantic preamp.
Best sounding 12AX7A/ECC83 & 12AT7/ECC81 tubes? Telefunken, …
2005年3月3日 · The Telefunken Ribbed and/or Smooth plates were the best for me in both vintage and new situations and here is why: I had a CD, the Capitol "Collector's Series" DEAN MARTIN disk. I (for no particular reason) was using Ron's nice three-track remix of "On An Evening In Roma" as a test song with my old VAC gigantic preamp.
12AT7 NOS Tubes Shootout and Substitute for Hi-Fidelity (not …
2021年1月17日 · ECC81: This is the European version of the 12AT7, and is identical to it. The Telefunken even has the wing shaped blackplates, just like the RCA. Great tubes, equalled only by the RCA blackplate or the military/industrial versions.
Best sounding 12AX7A/ECC83 & 12AT7/ECC81 tubes? Telefunken, …
2015年5月2日 · However the Sylvania jhs bp 5751 tends to be microphonic if not used in the right place in my preamp. I don't know if I have a favorite 12ax7 per se as I find them uninteresting compared to 5751 tubes in my system. If I did I would say Telefunken smooths or RAytheon black plate organ relabels.
Best sounding 12AX7A/ECC83 & 12AT7/ECC81 tubes? Telefunken, …
2005年3月3日 · I have yet to try Telefunken 12AX7, but, I'm actually quite impressed with the sound of the Amperex Hammond. Click to expand... I have two pairs of US made Philips (actually Sylvanias) 6SN7 GTA and they're quite good and inexpensive, but I prefer the sound of the RCA (branded as General Electric) 6SN7 GTB's.
Tube experts, help! What's the real difference between a …
2013年9月24日 · The 6DJ8 is a good tube, it's not as long lived as the industrial grade 6922 and 7308. Sections are usually pretty close, you have to work harder to find extra tight section matching - you can find them like that, but it takes patience. The Telefunken version is a pricey devil, and not so common in the U.S.
Best sounding 12AX7A/ECC83 & 12AT7/ECC81 tubes? Telefunken, …
2013年10月23日 · I didn't know I was going to type so much either. Actually I stopped myself from typing about how, once I found out about the Telefunken 12AX7 magic as a constant, I discovered how the lowly GE 6L6GC tube beat out the RCA Black Plates, Amperex EL-37, Genelex KT-66 and other 6L6 style power tubes. I still can if anyone gives a crap..
Best sounding 12AX7A/ECC83 & 12AT7/ECC81 tubes? Telefunken, …
2005年3月3日 · Best sounding 12AX7A/ECC83 & 12AT7/ECC81 tubes? Telefunken, Amperex, Mullard? ... Perhaps I should try out ...
Best sounding 12AX7A/ECC83 & 12AT7/ECC81 tubes? Telefunken, …
2005年3月3日 · As usual - it depends on system and the version of the tube in question. For 12AX7s, I prefer Mullard long-plate 12AX7s over the later short-plates. I prefer early (and I mean EARLY) RCA black-plates, but they tend to be more microphonic - choose carefully. For my preamp, however, a later-era Telefunken really worked with my combination of gear.