Tellico – Collection management software, free and simple
Tellico makes it easy to track your books, videos, music, even your wine and anything else. A simple and intuitive interface shows cover images, groupings, and any detail you want. Tellico can group your items by any field and create reports using many different templates.
Download Tellico – Tellico
Tellico is available from many Linux and *BSD distributions. You should check your existing package manager to see if Tellico is available or review a repository list if you can’t find it. Source Release Current Release. The latest released version of Tellico is 4.1.1, released February 10, 2025, which uses either the KDE Frameworks 5 or 6 ...
About Tellico
Tellico is a software application for organizing your collections. It provides default templates for books, bibliographies, videos, music, video games, coins, stamps, trading cards, comic books, and wines. You can also create your own custom collection of anything you like!
Tellico 3.4.4 for Windows – Tellico
2022年2月26日 · Using the KDE Craft build system, we have an experimental Tellico 3.4.4 installer for Microsoft Windows. Most of the basic functionality seems to work, though I’m sure there are aspects that don’t quite behave as expected.
Tellico 4.1 Released – Tellico
Tellico 4.1 is available, with some improvements and bug fixes. This release and any subsequent bugfix dot releases (such as 4.1.1) will be the last ones that build with Qt5. Improvements. Improved image loading to be on-demand only, improving load time for local and remote images .
Tellico 3.4.4 Released – Tellico
Tellico 3.4.4 is available, with a few bug fixes. Notably, v3.4.3 introduced a potential data loss if your collection used unicode code points with surrogate pairs, such as emojis, which is fixed in 3.4.4. Improvements and Bug Fixes. Fixed bug with serializing code points with surrogate pairs .
Tellico 4.1.1 Released – Tellico
Tellico 4.1.1 is available, with a few fixes. Improvements. Updated Filmaffinity and ComicVine data sources. Added configurable image size to Discogs and Moviemeter data sources. Fixed ISBN searching with Colnect.
Archive – Tellico
Tellico. Collection management software, free and simple. Menu. About Tellico; Tellico Blog; Download Tellico
Tellico 3.4 Released
Tellico 3.4 is available, with several new features, updated data sources, bug fixes and build changes. I’m excited about this release. It pulls together a few different things that I’d been working on. I’ve got a few more ideas about charts and reports to be added.
Frequently Asked Questions – Tellico
Tellico is developed on the Linux platform so compilation and functionality on Windows is rarely verified or tested. Using the craft build system, there is some development on a github branch for running Tellico. For further information, please see the KDE Community Wiki pages.