TEMImageNet training library and AtomSegNet deep-learning
2021年3月8日 · Based on our well-labeled TEM ImageNet library, we show that our encoder–decoder-type deep learning models achieve superior performance in atomic column localization, segmentation, noise ...
Analytical transmission electron microscopy for emerging …
2021年7月7日 · With remarkable achievements in spatial resolution and its derived analytical techniques, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has been capable of probing enriched information of materials at the atomic scale.
TEM、HRTEM、STEM——透射电子显微镜的三驾马车 - 哔哩哔哩
2020年6月29日 · 几乎任何与材料相关的领域都要用到透射电镜,而最常用的三大透射电镜是:普通透射电子显微镜(tem)、高分辨透射电子显微镜(hrtem)和扫描透射电子显微镜(stem)。
TEM for Atomic-Scale Study: Fundamental, Instrumentation, and ...
2018年9月19日 · Today, the transmission electron microscope (TEM) has become the foremost instrument for the microstructural characterization of nanomaterials. Indeed, the diffraction patterns performed by X-ray techniques are more quantitative than …
TEM专题 | 冷冻电镜断层成像(Cryo-ET)技术解读 - 雪球
2024年4月24日 · 与日益成熟的冷冻电镜单颗粒技术一同,冷冻电镜断层成像技术cryo-ET(cryo-electron tomography)和子断层图像平均法STA(sub-tomogram average)也正在悄然崛起。 这两者将结构生物学引向解析柔性超大分子复合物结构、细胞原位蛋白结构等方向,应用范围广泛,覆盖蛋白复合物、病毒、细菌、细胞甚至组织,最高分辨率已达3Å ,是名副其实的跨尺度高分辨显微成像利器。
Atomic-resolution transmission electron microscopy of …
In this study, we have developed a suite of methodologies that enable atomic-resolution TEM imaging of electron beam–sensitive crystalline materials, which have traditionally been considered unsuitable for TEM characterization.
透射电子显微镜 - 百度百科
透射电子显微镜(Transmission electron microscope,缩写TEM),简称透射电镜 [1],是把经加速和聚集的电子束投射到非常薄的样品上,电子与样品中的原子碰撞而改变方向,从而产生立体角散射。 散射角的大小与样品的密度、厚度相关,因此可以形成明暗不同的影像,影像将在放大、聚焦后在成像器件(如荧光屏、胶片、以及感光耦合组件)上显示出来。 由于电子的德布罗意波长非常短,透射电子显微镜的分辨率比光学显微镜高的很多,可以达到0.1~0.2nm,放大倍数为几 …
Advanced TEM Characterization for Single-atom Catalysts: from
2022年9月20日 · Among the characterization techniques for SACs, aberration-corrected transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has become an essential tool for direct visualization of single atoms. In this review, we briefly summarize recent studies on SACs using advanced TEM.
ChemiTEM – Transmission Electron Microscopy Optimized for …
2021年8月4日 · Analytical transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has become a widely implemented part of the characterization workflow in material science. TEM is the key technique for the investigation of local composition, surfaces, and atomic interfaces, all crucial to the individual function of the corresponding solid.
Deep learning analysis on transmission electron microscope …
2023年10月20日 · The presence of various defect types can affect material properties significantly. With the development of the advanced transmission electron microscopy (TEM), the property-related structures could be investigated in multiple dimensions. It produces TEM datasets containing a large amount of information.