Analytical transmission electron microscopy for emerging …
2021年7月7日 · In this section, we will introduce a useful data-processing techniques in TEM analysis that offers prominent physical and chemical insights for emerging advanced materials, including strain analysis, radial distribution function (RDF) and Fourier image filtering.
Radial distribution function imaging by STEM ... - ScienceDirect
2016年9月1日 · We developed a new transmission electron microscopy (TEM) method to enable phase analysis and mapping of heterogeneous amorphous structures. That is to combine scanning TEM (STEM) diffraction mapping, radial distribution function (RDF) analysis, and hyperspectral analysis.
中国科学技术大学 林岳--Yue Lin's Homepage--分析型透射电镜在 …
径向分布函数 (rdf) 描述了非晶材料周围粒子或原子的密度函数,是影响非晶材料性能的重要结构特征。 具体来说, RDF 图中的峰包含三种类型的信息 : 每个峰的位置代表每个配位壳层的半径 , 峰的积分面积反映了每个配位壳层原子数量,峰的宽度与静态无序和热 ...
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Introduction - KIT
A description of amorphous materials based on their direct interatomic distances, as depicted by RDF analysis of the short- and medium-range order, is more intuitive. Therefore, with this work, we introduce a new TEM method: STEM RDF mapping to characterize heterogeneous nanostructured amorphous materials and composites.
无定形结晶聚合物共混物的 4D-STEM 分析:结合纳米晶体和 RDF
四维扫描 tem (4d-stem) 是一种新兴技术,在相对较大的样品区域上具有高空间分辨率,可提供丰富的结构信息。 然而,光束损伤限制了其在软材料和聚合物共混物中的应用。
理化中心林岳等在Matter杂志发表综述“分析型透射电镜在新兴先 …
2021年6月4日 · 该部分内容介绍了常用的高角环形暗场像(HAADF-STEM)、环形明场像(ABF-STEM)与积分差分相位衬度扫描透射电镜技术(iDPC-STEM)。 其中HAADF-STEM成像直观,常用于含重元素样品的成像以及物相分析、异质界面表征、缺陷及掺杂研究等。 ABF-STEM可用于轻元素的直接成像观察,在锂、钠电池等研究中发挥着重要作用。...
Semantic integration of diverse data in materials science: …
2024年4月30日 · Methodical aggregation and structuring of two distinct, publicly available datasets from mechanical (tensile testing) and microstructural (dark-field transmission electron microscopy (DF-TEM))...
Researchers use it to examine biological materials (such as microorganisms and cells), a variety of large molecules, medical biopsy samples, metals and crystalline structures, and the characteristics of various surfaces. Coherence: A prerequisite for interference is a superposition of wave systems whose phase difference remains constant in time.
Sample preparation for Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) TEM is a microscopy technique whereby a beam of electrons is transmitted through an ultrathin specimen, interacting with the specimen as it passes through it. An image is formed from the electrons transmitted through the specimen, magnified and focused by
The objective lens/stage system is the heart of the TEM. The critical region usually extended over less than 1 cm along the length of the column. Here is where all the beam-specimen interactions take place and here we create the bright-field, dark-field images, and selected-area diffraction patterns (SAD) that are the fundamental TEM operations.