TEM: FEI Titan Environmental Transmission Electron Microscope
In this research, the FEI Titan TEM was used to study quantum plasmon resonancesof individual metallic nanoparticles. Applied techniques include aberration-corrected TEM imaging and …
Titan 80-300 TEM - Electron Imaging Center for Nanosystems
Titan is the next generation of a unique 80-300 kV range microscope with 1.34 Angstrom resolution. The Titan system is poised to bring electron microscopy into a new era by …
Titan 60-300 TEM, formerly produced by FEI - Center for Electron ...
The image-corrected Titan 3 ™ G2 60-300 S/TEM provides superior performance, stability, and flexibility when utilizing the C s image-corrector and electron monochromator technology for …
TITAN is a 300kV high resolution Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). The microscope’s interface contains three parts: the TEM Server, User Interface (UI), and control-panels (left …
仪器介绍——球差校正电镜(FEI Titan 80-300 ) - 知乎专栏
球差校正 透射电镜 (spherical aberration corrected Transmission Electron Microscope: ACTEM)随着 纳米材料 的兴起而进入普通研究者的视野。 超高的分辨率配合诸多的分析组件使ACTEM …
FEI Titan 80-300 TEM - er-c
The FEI Titan 80-300 TEM is a high-resolution transmission electron microscope equipped with a field emission gun and a corrector for the spherical aberration (C S) of the imaging lens …
Titan Themis S/TEM - Rice University
The FEI Titan Themis 3 S/TEM is one of the most advanced electron microscopy platform to date, capable of imaging and spectroscopy at the atomic level. Equipped with multiple cameras and …
FEI Titan AC-STEM | ORNL - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
The FEI Titan is a high-resolution scanning transmission electron microscope with a CS corrector on the probe forming lens that enable sub-Å resolution imaging and analysis of materials …
Titan Themis TEM透射电镜 Titan Themis - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年9月26日 · Titan Themis 集经过验证的球面像差 (Cs) 校正器、单色仪系统和灵敏的 ChemiSTEM™ 技术与全新增强压电载物台、FEI Velox™ 软件及 FEI Ceta 1600 万像素CMOS …
FEI Titan 80-300 - Brookhaven National Laboratory
A dedicated Environmental Transmission Electron Microscope (E-TEM) Contact: Dmitri Zakharov (primary) This instrument is the first 80-300kV field-emission environmental transmission …