Formation of core-shell structured carbides via interphase ...
2024年8月1日 · TEM characterizations showed that the multiple additions of V and Nb resulted in B1 structured alloy carbides with (V,Nb)C-cores and VC-shells, resulting in denser carbide precipitation compared to single additions of these elements.
Effect of V, Nb, and Ti microalloying on low–temperature impact ...
2023年7月10日 · The micron–sized coarse (V, Nb, Ti) (C, N) particles were the main factor responsible for the low impact energy (35.5 J) at room temperature and high DBTT (−7 °C) of V–Nb–Ti steel and can act as the local cleavage initiation sites to dominate the cleavage fracture at low temperature and decrease the impact toughness.
Correlative Electron Microscopy Analysis of Precipitates in a V–Nb…
2024年5月30日 · Correlative microscopy is an advanced technique that has been performed to elucidate precipitation behavior of a V–Nb–Mo micro-alloyed steel. The same sample region was analyzed using transmission electron microscope (TEM) and transmission Kikuchi diffraction (TKD) to comprehend the impact of microscale grain boundary character on the ...
Comparison of Strengthening Mechanism of the Nb, V, and Nb-V …
2024年11月20日 · The results show that Nb-V composite micro-alloyed steel possessed a higher yield strength compared with Nb or V micro-alloyed steel when quenched at 870 °C and tempered at 450–650 °C.
Substantially improved room-temperature tensile ductility in ...
2025年1月20日 · Compared to equimolar Ti-V-Zr-Nb, a (Ti1.5V)3ZrNb composition demonstrated an impressive 360% improvement in elongation while sustaining a high yield strength of around 800 MPa. Increasing Ti and V not only purified the grain boundaries by reducing detrimental phases, but also tailored the deformation dislocation configurations.
北理工&西安交大《Nature》大子刊:促变形均匀化的塑性提升机 …
2023年4月14日 · 以Ti-Zr-V-Nb-Al体系BCC高熵合金为研究模型,辅以适当的热处理工艺,平面滑移(planar slip)诱导变形局域化这一削弱拉伸塑性的机制转变为“多级”平面滑移促进变形均匀化的塑性提升机制。
为了探究V和B元素复合添加对β型γ-TiAl合金的显微组织和变形机制产生的影响,本工作针对Ti-44Al-5Nb-1Mo合金和Ti-44Al-5Nb-1Mo-2V-0.2B合金,进行了不同温度和应变速率条件下的高温热压缩实验,利用SEM-BSE和TEM对组织进行表征,对比分析了其变形后的显微组织,研究了 ...
Internal stresses and hardness of alloys based on the V-Nb
2025年2月5日 · Equiatomic Ti–V–Ta and Ti–V–Ta–Nb alloys have shown an especially low neutron absorption cross-section and stable and strong mechanical properties at the temperatures up to 700–900 °C, which are essential for structural materials for nuclear applications [4, 5, 6].
轻质Ti-Sc-Zr-Nb-V高熵合金的结构-性能关系,Journal of Alloys and …
最近,探索轻质高熵合金(HEA)作为未来工程材料的潜在应用一直是一个热门话题。在这项工作中,新型轻质 Ti 22 Sc 22 Zr 22 Nb 17 V 17、Ti 24 Sc 20 Zr 22 Nb 17 V 17、Ti 24 Sc 22 Zr 20 Nb 17 V 17和 Ti 26 Sc 20 Zr 20 Nb 17 V 17HEA是通过快速凝固制造的。采用 X 射线衍射光谱 (XRD)、扫描电子显微镜 (SEM)、透射电子显微镜 (TEM ...
The optimal TBNV-3 composite achieved nearly 100% conversion with 99% selectivity for styrene epoxidation, superior to that of the most reported coupled photocatalysts. Systematic investigations...
高强度低合金钢中V和Nb对氢陷阱的影响 - jcscp.org
(PDF) 时效对含Nb低合金高强钢显微组织和力学性能的影响 张继明 …
2019年6月5日 · 研究了含Nb 低合金高强钢在不同时效工艺下的力学性能和显微组织,并采用扫描电镜 ( SEM) 和透射电镜 ( TEM) 及原位分析方法研究了时效过程中试验钢 ...
沉淀硬化 是一种有效的合金强化机制,这一机制可以提高高达150~300MPa的屈服强度。 Ti,Nb,Mo,Cr和V是高强度低合金钢铁素体组织中常用的合金元素。 为了达到显著的强化效果,析出物要结构完整且密度较高,这样才能有效的限制塑性加工过程中位错的运动。
Hydrogen embrittlement (HE) susceptibility was evaluated on JIS–SUP12-based steel (SB), and V-, Nb- and (Nb+Mo)-added steels (SV, SNb and SNbMo, respectively) under uniaxial tension and high stress tri-axiality conditions, to elucidate the roles of the microalloying elements in the HE mechanisms of 2 GPa-grade medium-carbon Si–Cr spring ...
The effect of thermomechanical treatment on the mechanical …
Ti-Nb-Zr is a ternary metastable β titanium alloy designed based on d-electron orbital theory. It contains only β stabilizing element Nb and neutral element Zr, which helps reduce the risk of segregation of high melting point elements during the melting process.
Phase transformation and deformation behavior of NiTi-Nb …
2016年4月6日 · Phase transformation and deformation behavior of the NiTi-Nb eutectic microstructure were investigated using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and cyclic loading-unloading tests. Results...
Combination of TEM and 3D atom probe study of microstructure …
A 3D atom probe combined with TEM was applied to characterize carbides precipitation in Nb-V microalloyed steel aging at 550 °C for different times after being water-quenched from 1200 °C.
Experimental determination and thermodynamic description of the Nb-V …
2018年11月5日 · Experiments show that there exists a miscibility gap in the low temperature region of Nb-V binary system. Two typical phase transition mechanisms of the spinodal decomposition and the nucleation-growth are observed. The thermodynamic parameters are assessed using CALPHAD approach.
The DOis phase, an A3B phase, is known to have a preference for Al on the B sites and a mixture of (Ti.Nb) on the A sites (Ref. 23 in [1]) in Ti-Al-Nb alloys. Thus stability of this phase with respect to HCP is expected across the entire (Ti,Nb)3Al sec- tion at 700 °C and hence the free energy curve for DOio is drawn below the HCP.
Laser-directed energy deposition of high-strength Ti6Al4V
4 天之前 · The wide application of additive-manufactured Ti alloys is impeded by coarse columnar grains along the building direction and thus the severe anisotropy of mechanical properties. To address this issue, a novel multi-alloying CoCrMoSi strategy has been developed to produce near-equiaxed grains of a modified Ti6Al4V (TC4) alloy for laser-directed energy deposition (LDED) based on computational ...